
contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.


contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.

Please follow these rules, if you are contributing.

Current Structure.

|___ problemList.md
|___ problemList.md

Structure of ProblemList.md


  • 1.(space)ProblemName_with_link (done by [problemName](problemLink)) + problem_level_at_that_platform + Link_of_recommended_solution(optional)

    • some_details like ....
      • must WHAT_YOU_LEARNT_FROM_THIS / HOW_THIS_PROBLEM_HELPED_YOU (like... implementation, bfs_improved, etc.)

  • 2.(space)ProblemName_with_link (done by [problemName](problemLink)) + problem_level_at_that_platform + Link_of_recommended_solution(optional)

    • some_details like ....
      • must WHAT_YOU_LEARNT_FROM_THIS / HOW_THIS_PROBLEM_HELPED_YOU (like... implementation, bfs_improved, etc.)