
It is a very simple package for Meteor that extends mongodb commands. There is no some magic, just one line of code, but It is very handy to import from node_module, not from a related path.


Meteor >= 1.4


$ npm install --save meteor-native-mongo


import db from 'meteor-native-mongo';

db.collection('nameCollection').find({}).toArray((err, result) => {

Be attention: not all methods are supported (native mongodb). The full list are present below.

List of access methods

  • find - Creates a cursor for a query that can be used to iterate over results from MongoDB

  • insertOne - Inserts a single document into MongoDB.

  • insertMany - Inserts an array of documents into MongoDB.

  • bulkWrite - Perform a bulkWrite operation without a fluent API Legal operation types are:

    { insertOne: { document: { a: 1 } } }

    { updateOne: { filter: {a:2}, update: {$set: {a:2}}, upsert:true } }

    { updateMany: { filter: {a:2}, update: {$set: {a:2}}, upsert:true } }

    { deleteOne: { filter: {c:1} } }

    { deleteMany: { filter: {c:1} } }

    { replaceOne: { filter: {c:3}, replacement: {c:4}, upsert:true}}

  • insert - Inserts a single document or a an array of documents into MongoDB.

  • updateOne - Update a single document on MongoDB.

  • replaceOne - Replace a document on MongoDB.

  • updateMany - Update multiple documents on MongoDB.

  • update - Updates documents.

  • deleteOne - Delete a document on MongoDB.

  • removeOne - Delete a document on MongoDB.

  • deleteMany - Delete multiple documents on MongoDB.

  • removeMany - Delete multiple documents on MongoDB.

  • remove - Remove documents.

  • save - Save a document. Simple full document replacement function. Not recommended for efficiency, use atomic operators and update instead for more efficient operations.

  • findOne - Fetches the first document that matches the query.

  • rename - Rename the collection.

  • drop - Drop the collection from the database, removing it permanently. New accesses will create a new collection.

  • options - Returns the options of the collection.

  • isCapped - Returns if the collection is a capped collection.

  • createIndex - Creates an index on the db and collection collection.

  • createIndexes - Creates multiple indexes in the collection.

  • dropIndex - Drops an index from this collection.

  • dropIndexes - Drops all indexes from this collection.

  • dropAllIndexes - Drops all indexes from this collection.

  • reIndex - Reindex all indexes on the collection Warning: reIndex is a blocking operation (indexes are rebuilt in the foreground) and will be slow for large collections.

  • listIndexes - Get the list of all indexes information for the collection.

  • ensureIndex - Ensures that an index exists, if it does not it creates it.

  • indexExists - Checks if one or more indexes exist on the collection, fails on first non-existing index.

  • indexInformation - Retrieves this collections index info.

  • count - Count number of matching documents in the db to a query.

  • distinct - The distinct command returns returns a list of distinct values for the given key across a collection.

  • indexes - Retrieve all the indexes on the collection.

  • stats - Get all the collection statistics.

  • findOneAndDelete - Find a document and delete it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.

  • findOneAndReplace - Find a document and replace it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.

  • findOneAndUpdate - Find a document and update it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.

  • findAndModify - Find and update a document.

  • findAndRemove - Find and remove a document.

  • aggregate - Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the collection.

  • parallelCollectionScan - Return N number of parallel cursors for a collection allowing parallel reading of entire collection. There are no ordering guarantees for returned results.

  • geoNear - Execute the geoNear command to search for items in the collection.

  • geoHaystackSearch - Execute a geo search using a geo haystack index on a collection.

  • group - Run a group command across a collection.

  • mapReduce - Run Map Reduce across a collection. Be aware that the inline option for out will return an array of results not a collection.

  • initializeUnorderedBulkOp - Initiate a Out of order batch write operation. All operations will be buffered into insert/update/remove commands executed out of order.

  • initializeOrderedBulkOp - Initiate an In order bulk write operation, operations will be serially executed in the order they are added, creating a new operation for each switch in types.