
Graph Ql Schema Generator - Use existing c# model to generate graph ql

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Schema Generator - GraphQL for .NET

This uses GraphQL for .NET and wraps it to easily generate a GraphQL schema based on C# models. The schema generator will automatically create a schema from existing C# models. This includes every response model, request model, and composed class in these models. This can save a lot of time with an existing SDK or API project that is adding GraphQL support.




Define your routes with the GraphRoute attribute:

/// <summary>
///     An example of the sdk that could be exposed. This is decorated with
///     attributes to self generate a graph schema. 
/// </summary>
public class StarWarsAttributeSchema
    private readonly StarWarsData _data = new StarWarsData();

    /// <summary>
    ///     Get the current hero.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///     Example of graph ql attribute using the defaults.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <returns>Droid.</returns>
    public Droid Hero()
        var item = _data.GetDroidByIdAsync("3").Result;

        return item;

Example Usage

IServiceProvider provider = new MockServiceProvider(); //Resolves your classes
var schemaGenerator = new SchemaGenerator(provider);
//See the readme.md in the schema generator project for more details on what this is doing.
var schema = schemaGenerator.CreateSchema(typeof(StarWarsAttributeSchema));

//Standard GraphQL execution
var query = @"
                query HeroNameQuery {
                  hero {
var exec = new DocumentExecuter(new AntlrDocumentBuilder(), new DocumentValidator());
var result = exec.ExecuteAsync(schema, null, query, null).Result;


Supported Data Types

  • Enums
  • Dictionaries
  • IEnumerable
  • DateTime, DateTimeOffset
  • Timespan
  • Byte Array
  • Key value pair

Supported Conversions

  • Mutations
  • Queries
  • Interfaces
  • Descriptions (via description attribute)
  • Descriptions (via summary text)
  • Enumerations
  • Input Objects
  • Mutations
  • Unions
  • Async execution
  • Methods converting to inner queries
  • Void return types are not supported, doesn't make sense per the graph spec.