A Python-based Open-Source Visualization Tool for CFD Applications

MIT LicenseMIT


PyVT is a open-source light-weight python-based visualization tool built upon VTK. It is designated for visualization and graphic analysis of CFD/fluid-dynamic datasets. It is capable of generating cutplane/streamline/vector/isosurface in a interactive GUI.


  1. python3
  2. numpy
  3. vtk
  4. PyQt5
  5. matplotlib

Installation on Mac OS (tested on high sierra or newer) and linux (tested on Ubuntu)

naive approach:

  1. Download the tarball package and uncompress it
  2. Make sure Python3 installed
  3. Run: python3 setup.py install

if conda is used:

  1. create a new environment: conda create --name myenv python3/python
  2. step 1 should install pip already, just run: pip install ./pyvt-1.0

Issues with cgns io interface:

Once installation of cgns is complete, navigate to the folder of cgns_to_vtk, and check the path of runtime library to be loaded. On Mac, do: " otool -L ./cgns_to_vtk " to check the search path; and use the command: " install_name_tool -add_rpath "@loader_path/../../lib" cgns_to_vtk " to add additional search path so that the dyn library can be loaded when cgns_to_vtk is executed


issue might incur when install matplotlib with newer-version python; make sure to upgrade the pip to the lastest version; I encountered issue with pip version 19.2.3; and resolved this issue with pip version 21.1.1