
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create for pnpm monorepo project. It configs the resolution strategy by using exports sugar.

You can import the dependent modules in other workspaces, i.e. import { foo } from '@monorepo/foo/shared/bar'. Node(v12.11.0+) and many bundlers webpack, rollup, vite has already support this feature for resolving the correct package bar in the node_modules of @monorepo/foo.

By default, the internal workspace is recognized by the pnpm style package version workspace: *


$: pnpx hwd -h                                                                                                                                                                                 

hwd(hoistWorkspaceDependencies): hoist workspace dependencies to the exports field of package.json
        -h	print the help message.
        -s	specify the shared folder alias, default to 'shared'.
        -n	specify the node_modules folder alias, default to 'node_modules'.
        -w	specify the internal workspace package mark, default to the pnpm specification 'workspace', e.g. '"foo": "workspace:*"'
        -c	specify the package root, default to the current work directory.

How to configure Typescript declaration?

Configure the path field of the root tsconfig.json:

    "paths": {
        "@monorepo/foo/shared/*": ["./packages/foo/node_modules/*", "./packages/foo/node_modules/@types/*"]