
A rehype plugin for parsing the meta string of markdown code fence

Primary LanguageTypeScript


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A rehype plugin for parsing the meta string of markdown code fence.

This plugin parse the meta string into key-value paris and assign them to code tag ast nodes.

The parsing contains rules below:

  • true: empty or literal value true is treated as true
  • false: literal value false is treated as false
  • word: literal string without spaces is treated as word.
  • sentence: double quoted, singled quoted, back-ticked string are treated as string.
  • range: square brackets wrapped string is treated as range numbers. It requires format like {digits}-{digits}.
  • mixed: mix all the markers above.

There is the illustration table:

meta string parsed
foo { foo: true }
foo=true { foo: true }
foo=false { foo: false }
foo=bar { foo: "bar" }
foo="false" { foo: "false" }
foo='false' { foo: "false" }
foo=`false` { foo: "false" }
foo="true" { foo: "true" }
foo='true' { foo: "true" }
foo=`true` { foo: "true" }
foo="bar baz" { foo: "bar baz" }
foo='bar baz' { foo: "bar baz" }
foo=`bar baz` { foo: "bar baz" }
foo=[42-71] { foo: [42, 71] }
foo foo1=true foo2=false foo3=bar foo4="true" foo5='false' foo6=`hello world` foo7=[42-71] { foo: true, foo1: true, foo2: false, foo3: "bar", foo4: "true", foo5: "false", foo6="hello world", foo7: [42, 71] }

🧩 Installation

yarn add rehype-meta-string (or npm/pnpm)

💫 Options

  • metaString?: string

Specify the field name which holds the raw meta string. By default, it is metaString.