Standart C++ Headers for

This headers are used by Inner Core and Inner Core native mods to link and minecraft library, based on it. This headers can be used along with standard headers without conflict, as they are using separate namespace.


When using toolchanin, create directory toolchain/stdincludes/gnu_stl and copy stl directory from this repo into it. You can then use it like this #include <stl/vector.h>.

You can also copy stl directory to your sources root, but in this case you will need to include it as header from your sources.

IMPORTANT NOTE: you should link gnustl_shared to your native library for this to function normally!


Namespace std::__ndk1 declared in headers is identical to std namespace, so if you need to use for example vector from this namespace, you include <stl/vector.h> and use std::__ndk1::vector<int>.

But consider, that types, declared in std::__ndk1 differ in internal structure from ones in std namespace and cannot be replaced by their counterpart.

Common practices

Never use using namespace std::__ndk1 to reduce amount of code, this is a bad practice even in case of one standard namespace, but in this case, when you have 2 standard namespaces, it will become a terrible mess.

Consider using global macro instead, like so:

// std::__ndk1::string -> STL::string
#define STL std::__ndk1

String conversion can be easily done via data() method:

#include <stl/string>

std::string s = "a";
STL::string stl_s =;
std::string std_s =;