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Inner Core Hierarchic UI Library

This library allows to create hierarchic layout-based UI for Inner Core mods.

Setup and basic examples

To import the library, place it into lib directory (or src/lib in case you are using toolchain) and use IMPORT("Layout") at the top of your mod source.

All your window layout and view are loaded by default from ui-screens directory inside your mod, but you can also load them from other places.

To create your first view create test-view.json inside ui-screens directory, this will be a basic text view.

    // declare type of resource, and id, that is used to access this resource
    "layout_id": "test_view",
    "scope": "view",
    // next, declare the view itself
    "type": "text",
    "desc": {
        "text": "Test View"

Then, declare window layout, that represents simple window, containing our view:

    "layout_id": "test_window",
    "scope": "window_layout",
    // list of all windows in this layout
    "windows": [
            // window background color, transparent by default
            "background": "red",
            // window location on screen, at the top right with offset 10 and 200 by 100 units in size
            "constraints": {
                "top": 10,
                "right": 10,
                "width": 200,
                "height": 100
            // window content view
            "view": "test_view"

To parse and show this simple window, use UiStaticParser:

let window = UiStaticParser.parseWindowGroup("test_window");
window.open(); // to open the window without any container
window.getNativeWindow(); // to get Inner Core window instance (in this case UI.WindowGroup)


On of key features, introduced by this library are layouts and view hierarchy. Layouts are groups of views, aligned in different ways. At the current moment we have only 2 types of layouts: linear and absolute.

Absolute layouts just align all views over each other according to their paddings and sizes, and linear layout align all views sequentially vertically or horizontally.

Lets create a frame, that contains text and then image:

    "layout_id": "framed_content",
    "scope": "view",
    "type": "absolute_layout",
    // make this view will fill all available space
    "width": "fill",
    "height": "fill",
    // list of child views
    "children": [
        // background frame
            "type": "frame",
            "width": "fill",
            "height": "fill",
            "desc": {
                "bitmap": "classic_frame_bg",
                "color": "#aaaaaa",
                "scale": 4
            "type": "linear_layout",
            "orientation": "vertical",
            "width": "fill",
            "height": "fill",
            "padding": [16], // padding for all sides, can be [all sides] or [left, top, right, bottom]
            "children": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "desc": {
                        "text": "some long test text"    
                    "type": "image",
                    "width": 200,
                    "height": 200,
                    "padding": [20],
                    "desc": {
                        "bitmap": "icon_menu_innercore"

Use this view inside of previously declared window, but make that window bigger, 400x400 for example. Result should look like this:


Inheritance and embedded views

Library contains features, that allow to build complex structures, consisting of many different components.

To inherit view from another add property "parent_id":"view id" to view json. This will use copy all parent properties, and then this view properies. Also notice, that writing only {"parent_id":"view id"} and just "view id" will have same result, because no new properties are declared.

The more complex concept is embedded views. You can add property "embedded": {"name1": ...view id or declaration..., "name2": ...} and for this and all child views parent ids "#name1", "#name2" and others declared will be available.

In following example we will make and use view layout, that represents a frame with a view inside of it.

    "layout_id": "view_frame",
    "scope": "view",
    "type": "absolute_layout",
    "width": "fill",
    "height": "fill",
    "children": [
        // background frame
            "type": "frame",
            "width": "fill",
            "height": "fill",
            "desc": {
                "bitmap": "classic_frame_bg",
                "color": "#aaaaaa",
                "scale": 4
        // embedded view
            "parent_id": "#framed_view",
            // override padding to fit into the frame
            "padding": [16]

Next we will embed view into this frame.

    "layout_id": "embedded_framed_content",
    "scope": "view",
    // inherit view_frame
    "parent_id": "view_frame",
    "embedded": {
        // embed text view
        "framed_view": {
            "type": "text",
            "desc": {
                "text": "some long test text"    