

Primary LanguageProlog



map-put - sets a key-value pair

map-get - checks whether a key exists in a map

map-remove - removes a pair with a given key

map-replace - replaces a value if a key is found

The original task

Implement an associative array (map).

Develop rules:

Rule Description
tree_build(ListMap, TreeMap) Building a tree from an ordered set of key-value pairs
map_get(TreeMap, Key, Value) Checking that the tree contains the given key-value pair.
map_put(TreeMap, Key, Value, Result) Adding a key-value pair to the tree, or replacing the current value for the key.
map_remove(TreeMap, Key, Result) Removing the mapping for the key.
map_replace(Map, Key, Value, Result) Replacing a value for the key values with the specified one, if the key existed in the map.

Rules should not analyze the tail of a list unless it has the required key.