Here at Weld we use NestJS for our applications. So this project also reflects that. On our front-end we use NextJS and GraphQL. For simplicity we have used the monorepo structure from NestJS.
Fork this repository and create your own repository to get started.
One of our customers wants us to help them build a pipeline for Hubspot. And they want us to setup a new data-pipeline for them to get information out and into their current data-warehouse.
To accomplish this you will build two services:
- Data-streams: Our API that can receive calls and issue commands to worker. This service also stores any information that our customer wants to fetch.
- Worker: Fetches the data from Hubspot. Makes any transformations you see fit. And sends it back to data-streams for storage.
- Configure a message protocol between the two services. You can get inspiration from the nestjs docs. Choose which ever you want but tell us why in your answer.
- Create an endpoint on data-streams that tells worker to start fetching data on an interval (every 5 minutes).
- Setup an http module that worker can use to communicate with Hubspot. You can setup a Hubspot developer account or mock the data. Depending on what you prefer.
- Send the data and store the results on data-streams using internal communication protocol.
- Make an endpoint on data-streams that can fetch the data stored on data-streams. Use whatever storage you see fit but tell us why you chose it.
- Make an endpoint on data-streams that can stop the data fetching on worker.
- We understand that this can be time consuming. If you are short on time leave something out. But be sure to tell us your approach to the problem in the documentation.
- A documented answer that explains your approach, short-comings, how-to-run and future work.
- A working solution. Preferably with some tests to give us an idea of how you write tests (you don't need to put it all under test).
- Reliability is very important when dealing with data-pipelines. So any measures you can add to keep the data-flowing will be appreciated.
- We appreciate small commits with a trail of messages that shows us how you work.
├── apps
│ ├── data-streams
│ └── worker
├── package.json
This is our API. We will be able to issue HTTP requests to this and have it talk to our microservice worker. We also store any information that worker sends our way. This project has been setup as a hybrid app. It can both function as an API but also as a microservice with an internal communication layer.
You can start data-streams with:
yarn start
This is the worker microservice that is in charge of talking to the external API. It will fetch data when issued a command from data-streams and then return the results. This project only functions as a microservice which means it can only receive commands from the internal communication layer.
You can start worker with:
yarn start worker