Wonderful calendar for students

Steps for using this project

Step1.Supports about equipments

*windows 10(recodmended) or 11(no tests up to now)

*Intellij IDEA 2019.x or higher

Step2.Environments for the project

 *Spring Boot 2.7.x(recodmended) or heigher

 *Tomcat 6.0 or heigher
 *import packages below:

User Instruction Manual

1.Creat environments and open the IDEA
2.Start your project
3.Enjoy yourself 

Introduction to features

1.Add notes:
	*click the button and input what you have to do
2.Upadte notes:
	*click the button then input dates and what you have to do
3.Delete notes:
	*click the button and input dates which you want to delete
4.Check notes:
	*click the button and a table will appear
	*tips:if there is nothing,please add a notes then back to this step,you are successful when you see a table
5.Automatic reminding
	*if you set a fixed time to remind that day what you should,
	then the clock start and it'll refresh per 3 seconds to judge whether the present time is existed in the database;
	if it's true,the web will forward to the html which tell you what you have to do today

Have fun!!!^-^