
kubernetes client of node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nodejs Kubernetes client

Node.js client library for Google's Kubernetes Kubectl And API


    npm install k8s


Create client

var K8s = require('k8s')

// use kubectl

var kubectl = K8s.kubectl({
    endpoint:  ''
    , binary: '/usr/local/bin/kubectl'

//use restful api
var kubeapi = K8s.api({
	endpoint: ''
	, version: 'v1'

// Configure using kubeconfig
var kube = k.kubectl({
	binary: '/bin/kubectl'
	,kubeconfig: '/etc/cluster1.yaml'
	,version: 'v1'


// method GET
kubeapi.get('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers', function(err, data){})
// method POST
kubeapi.post('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers', require('./rc/nginx-rc.json'), function(err, data){})
// method PUT
kubeapi.put('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx', require('./rc/nginx-rc.json'), function(err, data){})
// method PATCH
kubeapi.patch('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx', { apiVersion: 'v1' , spec: { replicas: 2 } }, function(err, data){})
// method DELETE
kubeapi.delete('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx', function(err, data){})
// method GET -> watch
kubeapi.watch('watch/namespaces/default/pods', function(data){
	// message
}, function(err){
	// exit
}, [timeout])


get pod list

kubectl.pod.list(function(err, pods){})
var label = { name: nginx }
kubectl.pod.list(label, function(err, pods){})

get pod

kubectl.pod.get('nginx', function(err, pod){})

// label selector
kubectl.pod.list({ app: 'nginx' }, function(err, pods){}) 

create a pod

kubectl.pod.create('/:path/pods/nginx.yaml'), function(err, data){})

delete a pod

kubectl.pod.delete('nginx', function(err, data){})


kubectl.pod.log('pod_id1 pod_id2 pod_id3', function(err, log){})


get rc list

kubectl.rc.list(function(err, pods){})

get a rc

kubectl.rc.get('nginx', function(err, pod){})

create a rc

kubectl.rc.create('/:path/pods/nginx.yaml'), function(err, data){})

delete a rc

kubectl.rc.delete('nginx', function(err, data){})

rolling-update by image name

kubectl.rc.rollingUpdate('nginx', 'nginx:vserion', function(err, data){})

rolling-update by file

kubectl.rc.rollingUpdateByFile('nginx', '/:path/rc/nginx-v2.yaml', function(err, data){})

change replicas

kubectl.rc.scale('nginx', 3, function(err, data){})


get service list

kubectl.service.list(function(err, pods){})

get a service

kubectl.service.get('nginx', function(err, pod){})

create a service

kubectl.service.create('/:path/service/nginx.yaml'), function(err, data){})

delete a service

kubectl.service.delete('nginx', function(err, data){})


get node list

kubectl.node.list(function(err, pods){})

get a node

kubectl.node.get('nginx', function(err, pod){})

create a node

kubectl.node.create('/:path/nodes/node1.yaml'), function(err, data){})

delete a node

kubectl.node.delete('nginx', function(err, data){})