
Faucet gNMI docker image

Primary LanguageShell

gNMI - gRPC Network Management Interface

A docker image that facilitates testing the gNMI protocol using Openconfig models.

How to build

From the gnmi directory:

docker build -t faucet/gnmi -f Dockerfile .

When building the image, a set of helper certificates is generated and added to $HOME/certs/ folder:

  • Self signed CA Certificates
  • Client Certificates signed by the CA
  • Server Certificates signed by the CA

How to run

docker run -ti faucet/gnmi:latest

When running the docker image a default test gNMI target is initiated with a default mock configuration defined in json:

root@090fe3d66fe7:~# cat run_target.sh
gnmi_target \
  -bind_address :$GNMI_PORT \
  -key $HOME/certs/server.key \
  -cert $HOME/certs/server.crt \
  -ca $HOME/certs/ca.crt \
  -alsologtostderr \
  -config target_configs/typical_ofsw_config.json

root@090fe3d66fe7:~# set | grep GNMI

Run a gNMI Get:

root@090fe3d66fe7:~# cat get.sh
gnmi_get \
  -target_addr $GNMI_TARGET:$GNMI_PORT \
  -key $HOME/certs/client.key \
  -cert $HOME/certs/client.crt \
  -ca $HOME/certs/ca.crt \
  -target_name server.com \
  -alsologtostderr \
  -xpath "/system/openflow/agent/config/datapath-id" \
  -xpath "/system/openflow/controllers/controller[name=main]/connections/connection[aux-id=0]/config/address"

Run gNMI Capabilities:

root@090fe3d66fe7:~# cat capabilities.sh
gnmi_capabilities \
  -target_addr $GNMI_TARGET:$GNMI_PORT \
  -key $HOME/certs/client.key \
  -cert $HOME/certs/client.crt \
  -ca $HOME/certs/ca.crt \
  -target_name server.com \

Override GNMI_TARGET and GNMI_PORT to perform the gNMI Get against other targets, or use the binaries directly.

gNxI tools