
PyTorch Implementation for Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering

Primary LanguagePython

Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering

This is a PyTorch implementation for the paper:

Xiang Wang, Xiangnan He, Meng Wang, Fuli Feng, and Tat-Seng Chua (2019). Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering, Paper in ACM DL or Paper in arXiv. In SIGIR'19, Paris, France, July 21-25, 2019.

The TensorFlow implementation can be found here.

Best Iter=[38]@[32904.5]	recall=[0.15571	0.21793	0.26385	0.30103	0.33170], precision=[0.04763	0.03370	0.02744	0.02359	0.02088], hit=[0.53996	0.64559	0.70464	0.74546	0.77406], ndcg=[0.22752	0.26555	0.29044	0.30926	0.32406]

Hope it can help you!

Environment Requirement

The code has been tested under Python 3.6.9. The required packages are as follows:

  • pytorch == 1.3.1
  • numpy == 1.18.1
  • scipy == 1.3.2
  • sklearn == 0.21.3

Example to Run the Codes

The instruction of commands has been clearly stated in the codes (see the parser function in NGCF/utility/parser.py).

  • Gowalla dataset
python main.py --dataset gowalla --regs [1e-5] --embed_size 64 --layer_size [64,64,64] --lr 0.0001 --save_flag 1 --pretrain 0 --batch_size 1024 --epoch 400 --verbose 1 --node_dropout [0.1] --mess_dropout [0.1,0.1,0.1]
  • Amazon-book dataset
python main.py --dataset amazon-book --regs [1e-5] --embed_size 64 --layer_size [64,64,64] --lr 0.0005 --save_flag 1 --pretrain 0 --batch_size 1024 --epoch 200 --verbose 50 --node_dropout [0.1] --mess_dropout [0.1,0.1,0.1]


  • The parameter negative_slope of LeakyReLu was set to 0.2, since the default value of PyTorch and TensorFlow is different.
  • If the arguement node_dropout_flag is set to 1, it will lead to higher calculational cost.