
wxml loader for webpack

Please note this wxml is a markup language for Wechat mini programs


npm install wxml-miniapp-loader --save-dev


You may also need to use file-loader to extract files.

  test: /\.wxml$/,
  include: /src/,
  use: [
      loader: 'file-loader',
      options: {
        name: '[name].[ext]',
        useRelativePath: true,
        context: resolve('src'),
      loader: 'wxml-miniapp-loader',
      options: {
        root: resolve('src'),
        enforceRelativePath: true,
  • root (String): Root path for requiring sources
  • enforceRelativePath (Boolean): Should be true if you wish to generate a root relative URL for each file. It is recommend to set to true
  • publicPath (String): Defaults to webpack output.publicPath
  • transformContent(content, resource) (Function): Transform content, should return a content string
  • transformUrl(url, resource) (Function): Transform url, should return a url
  • minimize (Boolean): To minimize. Defaults to false
  • All html-minifier options are supported

For Baidu smart programs

This loader is also compatible with Baidu smart programs. You just need to make sure using test: /\.wxml$/ in webpack config.

If you're using mini-application-webpack-plugin and setting Targets.Swan as webpack target, it will automatically transform .wxml to .swan. That means you could write mini programs once, and build both Wechat and Baidu mini programs.



import MiniApplicationWebpackPlugin from 'mini-application-webpack-plugin';
export default env => ({
  // ...other
  target: Targets[env.target || "Wx"],
  module: {
    rules: [
      // ...other,
        test: /\.wxml$/,
        use: [
            loader: "file-loader",
            options: {
              name: `[name].${env.target === "Swan" ? "swan" : "wxml"}`
              useRelativePath: true,
              context: resolve('src'),
            loader: 'wxml-miniapp-loader',
            options: {
              root: resolve('src'),
              enforceRelativePath: true,
  plugin: [
    // ...other
    new MiniApplicationWebpackPlugin()
