CA project1

  • deadline: 12/12, 24:00 (5 days left)
  • next meeting: this Fri, 16:00, at library b1 學習開放空間


  1. connect wires: 4 days # tue ddl

    • stage1: PC, Add_pc, Instruction_Memory, IF/ID, flush, mux
    • stage2: Control, Adder, Registers, Sign_Extend, hazardDetetion, eq, ID/EX
    • stage3: ALU, ALU_Control, forwording, EX/MEM, mux
    • stage4: data memory, MEM/WB
    • stage5: mux
  2. test and debug: # Fri ddl

  3. write report (in Chinese): # Sun ddl

    • part2: write about the stage(s) you implemented
    • part3, 4: write about your own modules and problems
    • Don't forget to upload your part of report as well


  • Mind the consistency of names of variables