The design of Robi is pretty good. We love it. But the software is not strong. This makes Robi not interest enough.
I feel that the well looked robots in the world are only Nao and Robi. Nao is just "designed" but you cannot say it's kind of "Art", but to Robi we can feel "Art". How about the "Pepper"? Jesus, it's absolutely ugly and scared me with a big touch pad. It's even worse than the bandage on the back side of iphone 6:-)
This project is to improve this with improved software and hardware to tranform/improve the lovely Robi.
- Use Python and C to create speech recognization to dialog to make it more fun.
- Create a dummy heart for Robi to make robi act as a real interest little guy.
- Add camera and face detection/recognization and sense of sapce where he is in.
- add more sensors to make it complementary to our human body.
- Add AI to improve the user experience.
On hardware we firstly use a Raspberry Pi 2B plus sensor modules. May buy more powerful CPU(such as samsung's new series) later depends on the test result.
Waht's Robi:
designed by the 'strange' professor&CEO(ROBOGARAGE.Co.,Ltd) Tomotaka Takahashi
Hardware & debug progress:
contact the initiator: (w-e-c-h-a-t: ckingcfx)