
Formal matrix theory with multiple implementations in Coq

Primary LanguageCoqMIT LicenseMIT


1. Introduction

  • This is a formal matrix library in Coq, and integrated with multiple different implementations.

  • Our goal is to provide a unified framework for different implementations of formalized matrix libraries, so as to decouple the differences between underlying technologies and upper-level applications.

  • There are several design ideas in this:

    • we mainly use equivalence relations on setoid instead of Leibniz equal.
    • organize an operation and its related properties with typeclasses instead of unorganized scattered assumptions, to simplify the proof and improve the readibility.
    • organize the mathematical hierarchy of element or matrix with module type.
    • mainly use functor to maintain the polymorphism of the design, the concrete theory could be batch exported.
  • What we have done?

    • First, developped several useful extensions for Coq Standard Library, such as: NatExt.v ZExt.v QExt.v QcExt.v RExt.v SetoidListExt.v SetoidListListExt.v HierarchySetoid.v
    • Second, seperately reimplement formal matrix library of several known matrix model.
    • Third, design mathematical hierarchy of matrix element and matrix interface.
    • Forth, package different implementations according the matrix interface.
    • Fifth, create conversion between different models, and proof lots of them are homomorphism/isomomorphism.
  • What we got?

    • An available formal matrix library with unified interface under several different low-level implementations.
    • A fundamental technical comparison of these different models, about maturity, simplicity, technical difficulty etc.
  • History of this project?

    • It is a submodule of project VFCS
    • A stage version is published in SETTA 2022, and located in coq-matrix.
  • How to contact us?

    • We are a team focusing on formal engineering mathematics study, and located in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, in China.
    • Author: ZhengPu Shi (zhengpushi@nuaa.edu.cn)

2. A comparison result

Models DepList DepPair DepRec NatFun FinFun SafeNatFun
Maturity * * ** ** *** **
Conciseness of the definitions * * * *** *** ***
Conciseness of the proofs * * ** *** *** ***
Conciseness of the extracted OCaml code * * *** ** ** **
Simplicity of the syntax or skill ** ** *** ** * *

3. Dependent or related projects

  • Dependent projects

    • CoqExt: Extension of Coq Standard Libray.
  • Related projects

    • VFCS: Verified flight control system.

4. Reference resources

  • DepRec: Matrix by NUAA
  • DepList: Coq.Vectors.Vector
  • DepPair: Matrix in Coquelicot
  • NatFun: Verified Quantum Computing, Software Foundations Inspired, Volume Q.
  • FinFun: Mathematical Component
  • [SafeNatFun]: by myself, look at the source code.

5. Usage demo.

  • Basic usage

    From CoqMatrix Require Import MatrixNat. (* use "MatrixZ, MatrixQ, MatrixQc, MatrixR" as you need *)
    (** Then, all functions, theorems, notations are available *)
    Example dl := [[1;2;3];[4;5;6]].
    Example m1 : mat 2 3 := @l2m 2 3 dl.
    Compute (m2l m1). (* = [[1; 2; 3]; [4; 5; 6]] : list (list A) *)
    Compute (mnth m1 0 1). (* = 2 : A *)
    Compute (m2l (m1\T)). (* = [[1; 4]; [2; 5]; [3; 6]] : list (list A) *)
    Goal mmap S m1 == l2m [[2;3;4];[5;6;7]].
      (** Proof with tactic "lma" (linear matrix arithmetic), availabe for all models *)
    (** Check that if A is nat really *)
    Print A. (* A = nat : Type *)
    (** You can mixed use all models *)
    Import MatrixAllNat. (* all models *)
    Compute @DL.l2m 2 3 dl.
    Compute @DP.l2m 2 3 dl.
    Compute @DR.l2m 2 3 dl.
    Compute @NF.l2m 2 3 dl.
  • Support Q type (rational number) and Qc type (canonical rational number), hence the low-level equality is Setoid Equality instead of Leibniz Equality.

    Import MatrixQ.
    (* automatic maintain the Scope and Notations. for exmaple, here, Q_scope is opened. *)
    Example m1 : mat 2 3 := l2m [[6/4;10/4;7/2];[4;5;6]].
    Example m2 : mat 2 3 := l2m [[1.5;2.5;3.5];[4;5;6]].
    Example eq1: m1 == m2. Proof. lma. Qed.
    (** Proof by ltac or by using properties *)
    Goal m1 * (mat1 _) == m2. Proof. lma. Qed.
    Goal m1 * (mat1 _) == m2. Proof. rewrite mmul_1_r. apply eq1. Qed.
  • Conversion between models, and all these conversion functions are bijective.

    (* opem matrix theory on Z with default model *)
    Import MatrixZ.
    (* open matrix theory on Z with all models (optional) *)
    Import MatrixAllZ.
    (** convert from one model to other models *)
    Example m : NF.mat 2 2 := NF.mk_mat_2_2 1 2 3 4.
    Compute nf2dl m. (* = [[1; 2]; [3; 4]]%vector : DL.mat 2 2 *)
    Compute nf2dp m. (* = (1, (2, tt), (3, (4, tt), tt)) : DP.mat 2 2 *)
    Compute nf2dr m. (* = {| mdata := [[1;2];[3;4]]; .. |} : DR.mat 2 2 *)
    (** prove that {SF -> DL -> DP -> DR -> NF -> DL -> SF} return back *)
    Goal forall r c (m0 : SF.mat r c),
      let m1 : DL.mat r c := sf2dl m0 in
      let m2 : DP.mat r c := dl2dp m1 in
      let m3 : DR.mat r c := dp2dr m2 in
      let m4 : NF.mat r c := dr2nf m3 in
      let m5 : DL.mat r c := nf2dl m4 in
      let m6 : SF.mat r c := dl2sf m5 in
      m6 == m0.
      intros. unfold m6,m5,m4,m3,m2,m1,dl2dp,dp2dr,dr2nf,nf2dl,dl2sf,sf2dl.
      rewrite DR.m2l_l2m_id; auto with mat.
      rewrite NF.m2l_l2m_id; auto with mat.
      rewrite DP.m2l_l2m_id; auto with mat.
      rewrite DL.m2l_l2m_id; auto with mat.
      rewrite DL.m2l_l2m_id; auto with mat.
      rewrite SF.l2m_m2l_id; auto with mat.