
🔥✨🚀Python binding to Microsoft Chakra JavaScript Engine.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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PyChakra is a Python binding to Microsoft Chakra(v1.11.16) Javascript engine.

Chakra is a modern JavaScript engine for Microsoft Edge, it support 96% ES6 feature, Complete info see https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/


pip install PyChakra


from PyChakra import Runtime

# create runtime instance
runtime = Runtime()

# eval JavaScript code
runtime.eval("(() => 2)();") # (True, 2)
runtime.eval("(() => a)();") # (False, "ReferenceError: 'a' is not defined")

# set or get variable
runtime.set_variable("foo", "'bar'") # True
runtime.get_variable("foo") # 'bar'



Eval JavaScript code string.


  • js_string: str: JavaScript code string

Returns: (is_successful: bool, result: any)

  • is_successfully: indicates whether JavaScript is running successfully.
  • result:
    • if s is True, result is the JavaScript running return value.
    • if is_successfully is False and result is string, result is the JavaScript running exception.
    • if is_successfully is False and result is number, result is the chakra internal error code. see(github)

set_variable(variable_name: str, variable_value: any)

Set variable in global scope.


  • variable_name: str: JavaScript variable name.
  • variable_value: str: JavaScript variable value in Python str.

Returns: same as eval

get_variable(variable_name: str)

Get variable in global scope.


  • variable_name: str: JavaScript variable name.

Returns: variable_value: str

  • if returns value is None, it indicates there is no variable_name in the global scope.


  • Python2 >= 2.7
  • Python3 >= 3.4


  • macOS x64
  • Linux x64
  • Windows x86/x64 (tested on Windows 10 x64, Python 3.7)