
Nice Project. I have a question for you?

rodeone2 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have been developing a Python browser with only raw Python 3. to 3.7. It Request the HTML parses for the CSS url paths and using a second Threaded Request and downloads any and all CSS files, all JavaScript files and all Images into logged type History/Cookie like folders. I have it fully rendering all div blocks traversed, h1-h6, img, p, small and Hyperlinks currently. But without JS is an useless project.

My question is,, do you think PyChakra can read Parsed JavaScript data and fetch the results immediately while parsing several .js files ?

The Chakra and V8 JS Engines Windows and Chrome both use ---All they are is a Shell written in C++ that reads in all JS and Parses all of its methods as Strings. So yes it should be able to do that and also can make use of threads own its own if you compile the Py version of it with PyInstaller and set it to retrieve an argv argc signal from your request,, definitely.