
Gesture recognition (HHN)

Primary LanguagePython

Gesture Recognition

  1. Real Sense
    1. Download
    2. Viewer
    3. SDK
    4. Source Code
    5. More
    1. Download
    2. Install
    3. Examples
  3. Demo
    1. Interface
    2. Output Folder Tree
    3. Running
      1. Capture
      2. Write data
      3. Labeling
      4. Display Sample
      5. Test Sample
      6. Auto Running
  4. Deep Learning
    1. Network Architecture
    2. Data Distribution
    3. Training Parameters
  5. Issues
    1. Fix Camera Position
    2. More Data
    3. Network Optimization
    4. Interface Display Delay

1 Real Sense

All instructions are based on Real Sense 2.17.1 using Depth Camera D435.

1-1 Download

1-2 Viewer

1-3 SDK

  • Intel.RealSense.SDK.exe
    • Installer with Intel RealSense Viewer and Quality Tool, C/C++ Developer Package, Python 2.7/3.6 Developer Package, .NET Developer Package and so on.
    • You can find some demos in the root directory of the installation.

1-4 Source Code

  • Source Code: Contains a folder named librealsense-2.17.1
  • Need to use CMake for source code compilation
    • Create a new folder build under folder librealsense-2.17.1
    • Folder librealsense-2.17.1 is the source code path
    • Folder librealsense-2.17.1\build is the build path
    • Visual Studio Solution: librealsense2.sln (C++)
      • in the root directory librealsense-2.17.1
    • Visual Studio Solution: LANGUAGES.sln (C#)
      • in the directory librealsense-2.17.1\build\wrappers\csharp

1-5 More


All instructions are based on NUITRACK 1.3.8.

2-1 Download

2-2 Install

2-3 Examples

3 Demo

All codes are based on .NET Framework 4.6.1 using Visual Studio.

3-1 Interface

  • ①: Display the color image and the skeleton data with red square dots.
  • ②: Display the judged gesture: Standing, Sitting, Walking, StandUp, SitDown, TurnBack.
  • ③: Display the skeleton data, 25 points (XYZ, 75 float data) per frame.
  • ④: The main control
    • Grab: Start or stop the camera grab.
    • Write: Enabled or disabled write skeleton data.
    • Auto: Enabled or disabled recognize the gesture automatically.
    • FPS: Frame per second, also timer grab interval equals 1000.0 / FPS.
    • W: The width of image, read only.
    • H: The height of image, read only.
  • ⑤: Load and test .pb model
    • Load: Load a .pb model.
    • Test: Test a sample using the loaded model.
  • ⑥: Output window, not used yet.
  • ⑦: Display the skeleton data index. The small flag indicates that the data under the index is valid.
  • ⑧: Load and config data.
    • Load: Select a .txt file, see 3-2 Output Folder Tree for more instructions.
    • Combine data:
      • 1st number indicates that the data of each 60 frames is combined into one sample.
      • 2nd number indicates that overlaps the data of 30 frames between every two samples.
  • ⑨: Search and select data.
    • Search: Search and display the images of the sample.
    • Auto: Auto select the next batch images, batchSize = CombineData(1st number).
    • : Display the select data and images.
    • Delay: The delay time of display image.
    • Dlt: Delete useless images after labeling.
  • ⑩: Labeling, 3 buttons per label.
    • 1st button: Write label data.
    • 2nd button: Open label folder.
    • 3rd button: Display label sample.

3-2 Output Folder Tree

graph TD
	B1(Model: Save the pb model)
	B2(Output: Save the skeleton data)
	C0(Model Files: yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss.pb)
	D0(All: Save the skeleton data)
	Dx(yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss: Save the skeleton data)
	E1(Images: Images for each label)
	E2(Labels: Txt and md files for each label)
	E3(Data Infos: Data.txt)
	A --> B1
	A --> B2
	B1 --> C0
	B2 --> D0
	B2 --> Dx
	D0 --> E1
	D0 --> E2
	D0 --> E3
	Dx --> E1
	Dx --> E2
	Dx --> E3

3-3 Running

3-3-1 Capture

  • Make sure the computer is connected to the depth camera.
  • Click Grab button, the images will be displayed in real time.

3-3-2 Write data

  • Click Write button, the folder will be created under the Output folder with the format of current time yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss as the folder name. For example, creating a folder named 2019-01-10 10-40-54.
  • Further, in the 2019-01-10 10-40-54 folder, two folder named Images and Labels are created and a txt file named Data is generated.
    • Images: The color image with the joint position of the body using square red dots.
    • Labels: Txt and md files for each label.
    • Data.txt: The information of the skeleton data. Normally, only the word Skeleton data (X, Y, Z) * 25 points. .
  • Click Grab button to capture image, at the same time, write images and data. Which one of the Grab button and the Write button is pressed first, there is no requirement for use.

3-3-3 Labeling

  • After writing the data, stop Grab and Write, switch to interface 2, click the Load Data button, and select the data.txt file under the selected folder.
  • In the interface ⑦, all the skeleton data lists under the selected folder are displayed. The small flag indicates that the data under the index is valid.
  • Next, you need to select enough continuous data manually, or use the Auto button to let the program select the data automatically.
  • While you select the data, Interface ① will display the images, determine the current gesture manually based on the image information, and click the corresponding 1st button in interface ⑩. after that, a sample will be automatically saved.

3-3-4 Display Sample

  • Same as labeling, click the Load Data button, and select the data.txt file under the selected folder.
  • Click the corresponding 2nd button in interface ⑩, the program will automatically open the save path of the selected label's sample.
  • Click the corresponding 3rd button in interface ⑩, the program will automatically display the images of the selected sample in interface ①.

3-3-5 Test Sample

  • Click the Load button in interface ⑤ and select the .pb model file to be tested.
  • The first call to the model requires 3000ms to run, and the next run is less than 10ms. I do not know why. So when I load the model, I will call the model once to ensure that it will not time out when it is running automatically.
  • Click the Test button in interface ⑤ and select a sample, then the result will be displayed in ②.

3-3-6 Auto Running

  • Click the Auto button in interface ④, the program will automatically load the preset model, the model path can be modified by the m_PB_URL variable.
  • Click Grab button.
  • Start your performance.

4 Deep Learning

All codes are based on Python 3.6.7 64-bit (TendorFlow) using Visual Studio Code.

4-1 Network Architecture

A DNN(Deep Neural Network) architecture. (Multilayer perceptron 多层感知器)

def dnn_5(inputs, num_classes=6, is_training=True, dropout_keep_prob=0.8, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, scope='dnn_5'):
    ''' A DNN architecture with 4 hidden layers. 

        input --> (hidden layer) x 4 --> output

        hidden_layer_notes = [4096, 1024, 256, 64]
        1 x 4500 --> 1 x 4096 --> 1 x 1024 --> 1 x 256 --> 1 x 64 --> 1 x num_output

            inputs           : The input data sets whose shape likes [1 x 4500]. 
            num_classes      : The number of output classes. 
            is_training      : Is training, if yes, it will ignore dropout_keep_prob.  
            dropout_keep_prob: The value of dropout parameter. 
            reuse            : 
            scope            :

            net: The output of the net which do not input tf.nn.softmax. 


    with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'dnn_5', [inputs], reuse=reuse):
        ### hidden_layer_notes
        hidden_layer_notes = [4096, 1024, 256, 64]

        ### 1: hidden layer 1
        # 1 x 4500 --> 1 x 4096
        with tf.variable_scope('hidden1'):
            net = slim.fully_connected(inputs, hidden_layer_notes[0], scope='fc')
            net = slim.dropout(net, dropout_keep_prob, is_training=is_training, scope='dropout')
        ### 2: hidden layer 2
        # 1 x 4096 --> 1 x 1024
        with tf.variable_scope('hidden2'):
            net = slim.fully_connected(net, hidden_layer_notes[1], scope='fc')
            net = slim.dropout(net, dropout_keep_prob, is_training=is_training, scope='dropout')

        ### 3: hidden layer 3
        # 1 x 1024 --> 1 x 256
        with tf.variable_scope('hidden3'):
            net = slim.fully_connected(net, hidden_layer_notes[2], scope='fc')
            net = slim.dropout(net, dropout_keep_prob, is_training=is_training, scope='dropout')

        ### 4: hidden layer 4
        # 1 x 256 --> 1 x 64
        with tf.variable_scope('hidden4'):
            net = slim.fully_connected(net, hidden_layer_notes[3], scope='fc')
            net = slim.dropout(net, dropout_keep_prob, is_training=is_training, scope='dropout')
        ### 5: output layer
        # 1 x 64 --> 1 x num_classes
        with tf.variable_scope('output'):
            net = slim.fully_connected(net, num_classes, activation_fn=None, scope='fc')

        ### return
        return net

4-2 Data Distribution

Standing Sitting Walking StandUp SitDown TurnBack All
train 227 229 135 193 194 150 1128
vld 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
test 51 70 30 43 57 30 281
All 278 299 165 236 251 180 1409

4-3 Training Parameters

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------ Run net at 2018-12-19 ------------------------ #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------- train_step: 15000
# ---------------- batch_size: 32
# ---------------- learning_rate: 0.0001
# ---------------- dropout_keep_prob: 1.0

# ---------------- Test accuracy: 93.5943 %

5 Issues

5-1 Fix Camera Position

In my current experiment, the height of the camera is about 75 cm, and the angle of the camera is horizontal forward. All data collected is based on this premise.

This causes the gesture recognition result to deteriorate when the camera height or the camera angle is changed.

For example, when raising the height of the camera, Standing is easily judged as Sitting.

  • I think the initial work should be to determine where the camera is installed.
  • Fix camera position, like fixing the camera to the corner of the ceiling of the room, which can make sure the field of view to cover the entire room.
  • Or calibration of the relative position between the camera and the human body (20190130).

5-2 More Data

Now, I only have 1409 samples. For deep learning, this number is too small.

  • The XYZ coordinates of some joints are always (0, 0, 0), but I do not know why.
  • I suggest finding more people and collecting more data after fixing the camera.

5-3 Network Optimization

I combine 60 frames of images with 25 points (75 float numbers) per frame, so 4500 float numbers are combined into a vector sample.

  • The composition of the sample needs to be optimized.
  • May be able to form a two-dimensional matrix, then you can use convolution.

The network architecture is based on Multilayer Perceptron.

  • It is the simplest network, so there is still a lot of optimization space.

5-4 Interface Display Delay

In the automatic running state, the gesture name displayed on interface ② has obvious delay.

  • Demo program bug, I will fix it as soon as possible.