3D Unet for Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation
- 1
global_attention_3d error
#18 opened by chaoshunh - 1
Performance issues in input_fn.py (by P3)
#19 opened by DLPerf - 1
label data format
#17 opened by guava1427 - 5
opening of file
#16 opened by elliotresearcher - 0
#13 opened by tian961214 - 0
Data set problem
#12 opened by ljljlj02 - 0
3D unet & pointnet 请问这两者该如何选择呢
#14 opened by leemengwei - 0
- 1
#11 opened by liweizhong666 - 2
#9 opened by dasVolkswagen - 2
a AttributeError
#10 opened by dasVolkswagen - 1
TypeError: Failed to convert object of type <class 'list'> to Tensor. Contents: [None, 1024, 32, 64]. Consider casting elements to a supported type.
#7 opened by Yu-Yuanyuan - 0
what is the dataset directory?
#8 opened by manvirvirk - 2
Invalid argument error
#6 opened by syagmur - 1
A little bug in generate_tfrecord.py
#5 opened by TaoZhong11 - 1
#4 opened by potis - 1
The problem with dataset
#3 opened by YourGc - 1
Cpu exhauxtion when excuting prediction
#2 opened by seanbefore - 1