Create R_src

  • Create the directory R_src.
  • For each function create a directory named as the function, like R_src/f1/ and R_src/f2/.
  • Put the main R functions in that directories, i.e.R_src/f1/f1.R and R_src/f2/f2.R.
  • Create the directory main/ in each function directory, like R_src/f1/main/ and R_src/f2/main/.
  • In each main/ directory create an R script. Its name should be main.R. (R_src/f1/main/main.R and R_src/f2/main/main.R)
  • Each main.R includes a minimum example for its function. As an example, the following script is for the function f1.R:

Link *.R files to R/

  • Please put the file .export in your main functions directories.
  • Run the bash script before installation.


The library roxygen2 should be installed. Then, run the bash script to install the package.

Install package

Run the bash script to install the package.