
A matlab re-implementation of GOTURN

Primary LanguageMatlab


A matlab implementation of GOTURN. Rather Fast in CPU(20FPS).

GOTURN appeared in this paper:

Learning to Track at 100 FPS with Deep Regression Networks, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016

GOTURN addresses the problem of single target tracking: given a bounding box label of an object in the first frame of the video, we track that object through the rest of the video.

Here is a brief overview of how GOTURN works:

Pretrained model

Download from google drive or BaiduYun


Convert caffe models to matconvnet by yourself.

  • Download caffemodel
cd <GOTURN_matconvnet>
cd model
wget http://cs.stanford.edu/people/davheld/public/GOTURN/trained_model/tracker.caffemodel
cd model


cd <GOTURN_matconvnet>
git clone https://github.com/vlfeat/matconvnet.git
cd matconvnet
run matlab/vl_compilenn ;
cd <GOTURN_matconvnet>
cd data
wget http://data.votchallenge.net/vot2015/vot2015.zip
unzip -n vot2015.zip -d ./VOT15
  • Track in MATLAB
cd <GOTURN_matconvnet>
cd track

VOT2015 speed

**Ubuntu16.04 MATLAB2016b matconvnet-1.0-beta24 **

CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz

GPU: GTX 1080ti

index Name CPU(fps) GPU(fps)
Video: 1 bag 19.752 87.459
Video: 2 ball1 18.36 92.336
Video: 3 ball2 18.841 100.206
Video: 4 basketball 20.557 89.386
Video: 5 birds1 18.177 96.058
Video: 6 birds2 20.574 95.602
Video: 7 blanket 20.751 98.822
Video: 8 bmx 17.976 79.232
Video: 9 bolt1 19.737 99.359
Video: 10 bolt2 19.728 99.905
Video: 11 book 19.929 96.446
Video: 12 butterfly 19.1 94.681
Video: 13 car1 18.178 67.749
Video: 14 car2 20.272 96.047
Video: 15 crossing 19.109 92.823
Video: 16 dinosaur 19.865 92.37
Video: 17 fernando 19.033 78.656
Video: 18 fish1 20.49 95.689
Video: 19 fish2 20.609 97.977
Video: 20 fish3 20.411 94.673
Video: 21 fish4 19.897 96.342
Video: 22 girl 20.181 94.281
Video: 23 glove 19.159 94.516
Video: 24 godfather 19.934 101.74
Video: 25 graduate 20.496 99.465
Video: 26 gymnastics1 20.224 95.631
Video: 27 gymnastics2 17.944 94.272
Video: 28 gymnastics3 17.924 88.965
Video: 29 gymnastics4 19.763 93.196
Video: 30 hand 20.212 98.163
Video: 31 handball1 20.486 99.822
Video: 32 handball2 20.04 94.673
Video: 33 helicopter 19.653 87.207
Video: 34 iceskater1 20.101 96.558
Video: 35 iceskater2 19.575 91.674
Video: 36 leaves 18.942 99.633
Video: 37 marching 18.284 88.932
Video: 38 matrix 19.811 95.412
Video: 39 motocross1 20.769 96.067
Video: 40 motocross2 16.784 78.495
Video: 41 nature 19.877 88.762
Video: 42 octopus 16.946 75.872
Video: 43 pedestrian1 21.029 98.191
Video: 44 pedestrian2 20.381 96.385
Video: 45 rabbit 20.271 97.809
Video: 46 racing 19.932 96.254
Video: 47 road 18.91 96.028
Video: 48 shaking 20.484 95.895
Video: 49 sheep 21.3 101.453
Video: 50 singer1 20.772 95.205
Video: 51 singer2 20.427 91.472
Video: 52 singer3 20.131 83.639
Video: 53 soccer1 20.029 89.014
Video: 54 soccer2 19.094 96.23
Video: 55 soldier 17.937 92.634
Video: 56 sphere 20.265 92.279
Video: 57 tiger 19.663 96.815
Video: 58 traffic 18.328 97.919
Video: 59 tunnel 20.135 98.278
Video: 60 wiper 20.404 97.771

And more?

If you have problem, email @foolwood.