Pinned Repositories
A C# .netstandard client library for the Bybit REST and Websocket V5 API focusing on clear usage and models
TronLink Chrome Extension
A C# .netstandard client library for the Bybit REST and Websocket V5 API focusing on clear usage and models
Locate in TFS - Visual Studio Extension (2017 +) - Opens up the Source Control Explorer window to the location of the currently selected file. This works from the Solution Explorer and from the active document. It works in Community editions and better.
Created executable can be renamed to powershellw.exe or pwshw.exe and put next to the corresponding assembly. Calls to the added assembly will be forwarded to the console without creating a window.
Hash function quality and speed tests
zhenkas's Repositories
A C# .netstandard client library for the Bybit REST and Websocket V5 API focusing on clear usage and models
Locate in TFS - Visual Studio Extension (2017 +) - Opens up the Source Control Explorer window to the location of the currently selected file. This works from the Solution Explorer and from the active document. It works in Community editions and better.
Created executable can be renamed to powershellw.exe or pwshw.exe and put next to the corresponding assembly. Calls to the added assembly will be forwarded to the console without creating a window.
Hash function quality and speed tests