Pushing physical limit and uncovering motion templates of spine-based quadruped locomotion via reinforcement learning

Setup & Installation


  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Python 3.8

Install MuJoCo 2.1.0

Download MuJoCo 2.1.0 release from from the OpenAi Mujoco Website

Install Python Packages and Special System Dependencies

  • Add the Mujoco installation to LD_LIBRARY_PATH via adding the following to .bashrc:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/<user>/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin
    Note: run exec $SHELL for the changes in .bashrc to have an effect
  • Install build dependencies for mujoco_py on Ubuntu:
    sudo apt install libosmesa6-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglfw3
    sudo apt install patchelf
    cf. https://github.com/openai/mujoco-py#ubuntu-installtion-troubleshooting
  • Install setuptools for the installation in the next step:
    pip install setuptools
  • Chose among the following installation options:
    • Option 1: Install minimal project requirements (for training, for hyperparameter optimization and for enjoying trained agents)
      pip install -e .
      pip install 'gym==0.20.0'
    • Option 2: Install with requirements for recording videos
      pip install -e .[recording]
      pip install 'gym==0.20.0'
    Note: the correct gym version for our purposes needs to be installed separately due to conflicting version requirements with Stable Baselines 3 v1.4.0


Train an agent

$ python3 train.py -h
usage: train.py [-h] [--env ENV] [--env-kwargs ENV_KWARGS] [-en EXPERIMENT_NAME] [-ed EXPERIMENT_DESC] [-a {a2c,ddpg,dqn,ppo,sac,td3,qrdqn,tqc}] [-n N_TIMESTEPS] [-params HYPERPARAMS [HYPERPARAMS ...]] [-s SEED]
                [--trained-agent TRAINED_AGENT] [--vec-env {auto,dummy,subproc}] [--eval-freq EVAL_FREQ] [--n-eval-episodes N_EVAL_EPISODES] [--n-eval-envs N_EVAL_ENVS] [--checkpoint-freq CHECKPOINT_FREQ] [--save-replay-buffer]
                [--device {auto,cuda,cpu}] [--num-threads NUM_THREADS] [--verbose VERBOSE] [--log-interval LOG_INTERVAL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --env ENV             Environment ID
  --env-kwargs ENV_KWARGS
                        Overwrite the specified keyword arguments for the environment (pass in json format e.g. {"energy_penalty_weight": -0.1}
  -en EXPERIMENT_NAME, --experiment-name EXPERIMENT_NAME
                        Name for the experiment (should be unique within the specified env)
  -ed EXPERIMENT_DESC, --experiment-desc EXPERIMENT_DESC
                        Detailed description for the experiment
  -a {a2c,ddpg,dqn,ppo,sac,td3,qrdqn,tqc}, --algo {a2c,ddpg,dqn,ppo,sac,td3,qrdqn,tqc}
                        RL algorithm (hyperparameters for each environment are defined in `hyperparameters/<algo>.yml`)
  -n N_TIMESTEPS, --n-timesteps N_TIMESTEPS
                        The number of timesteps to train with (-1 to use the number specified in the hyperparams file)
                        Overwrite specified hyperparameter from the hyperparams file (e.g. learning_rate:0.01 train_freq:10)
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Random generator seed (-1 to choose a random seed)
  --trained-agent TRAINED_AGENT
                        Path to a pretrained agent to continue training
  --vec-env {auto,dummy,subproc}
                        VecEnv type (auto to chose the type automatically depending on whether the algorithm is multiprocessing capable or not)
  --eval-freq EVAL_FREQ
                        Evaluate the agent every n steps (if negative, no evaluation). Can be a float in the range (0, 1) or and integer. A float x in (0, 1) will be interpreted as n = x * n_timesteps (where n_timesteps is the
                        number of timesteps used for training)
  --n-eval-episodes N_EVAL_EPISODES
                        Number of episodes to use for evaluation
  --n-eval-envs N_EVAL_ENVS
                        Number of environments for evaluation
  --checkpoint-freq CHECKPOINT_FREQ
                        Save the model every n steps (if negative, no checkpoint). Can be a float in the range (0, 1) or and integer. A float x in (0, 1) will be interpreted as n = x * n_timesteps (where n_timesteps is the
                        number of timesteps used for training)
  --save-replay-buffer  Save the replay buffer too (when applicable)
  --device {auto,cuda,cpu}
                        Device on which the learning algorithm should be run. When set to auto, the code will run on the GPU (via cuda) if possible.
  --num-threads NUM_THREADS
                        Number of threads for PyTorch (-1 to use default)
  --verbose VERBOSE     Verbose mode (0: no output, 1: INFO)
  --log-interval LOG_INTERVAL
                        Override log interval (if negative, no change)


  • Most arguments have reasonable defaults that can be inspected in nermo_rl_locomotion/train.py
  • Available environments are registered in nermo_rl_locomotion/__init__.py
  • Hyperparameters for each environment are defined in hyperparameters/<algo>.yml
  • Environment args currently need to be specified in the code of nermo_rl_locomotion/env_kwargs.py
  • Trainings can be monitored in realtime using TensorBoard

Run multiple experiments after another

For training multiple agents after another without manually calling train.py every time u can configure the experiments in run_experiments.py and call as follows:

python3 run_experiments.py

Load and enjoy a trained agent

$ python3 enjoy.py -h
usage: enjoy.py [-h] -tp TRAINING_PATH [-mtl MODELS_TO_LOAD [MODELS_TO_LOAD ...]] [-s SEED] [--non-deterministic] [--norm-reward] [--video-length VIDEO_LENGTH]
                [--video-resolution VIDEO_RESOLUTION VIDEO_RESOLUTION] [--video-base-path VIDEO_BASE_PATH] [--cam-ids CAM_IDS [CAM_IDS ...]]
                [--n-episodes N_EPISODES] [--no-rendering] [--no-monitor-file] [--show-eval-plots] [--style-sheet {subfigure}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -tp TRAINING_PATH, --training-path TRAINING_PATH
                        Path to the folder of the training from which the model(s) should be loaded. The path can be absolute or relative to
  -mtl MODELS_TO_LOAD [MODELS_TO_LOAD ...], --models-to-load MODELS_TO_LOAD [MODELS_TO_LOAD ...]
                        Names of the models that should be loaded from the training path
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Random generator seed
  --non-deterministic   Pick actions using a non-deterministic version of the policy
  --norm-reward         Normalize reward, if applicable (trained with VecNormalize)
  --video-length VIDEO_LENGTH
                        Record a video of the agent for n steps (do not specify in order to not record a video at all and render the agent behavior to the
                        screen instead)
                        Resolution "width height" of the video that is to be recorded. The higher the resolution, the longer the recording takes.
  --video-base-path VIDEO_BASE_PATH
                        Path under which the recorded videos should be saved (do not specify in order to store the videos within a 'videos' folder at the
                        specified training path). Note: can only be set when the training path is relative to
  --cam-ids CAM_IDS [CAM_IDS ...]
                        Ids of the MuJoCo cameras for which a video should be recorded (one video for each camera). For rendering to the screen the first camera
                        in the given list is used for the initial point of view.
  --n-episodes N_EPISODES
                        Number of rendered episodes to enjoy (-1 to loop until interrupted by ctrl+c or until the videos have been recorded)
  --no-monitor-file     Do not write the aggregated episode information of the monitor to a file
  --show-eval-plots     Plot diagrams for the locomotion evaluation after each episode
  --style-sheet {subfigure}
                        The matplotlib style sheet to use for the eval plots