
A naive implementation of dependency injection concept.

Primary LanguageJava

Naive Implementation of Dependency Injection in Java


public class Main {

    private static final String PKG_DEPOSIT_DAO = "io.hua.test.dao.DepositDaoImpl";
    private static final String PKG_DEPOSIT_SERVICE = "io.hua.test.service.DepositServiceImpl";
    private static final String PKG_DEPOSIT = "io.hua.test.domain.Deposit";

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create an array of ClassDetail object
        ClassDetail[] classDetails = new ClassDetail[] {
            new ClassDetail(PKG_DEPOSIT_DAO),
            new ClassDetail(PKG_DEPOSIT_SERVICE, new String[] {PKG_DEPOSIT_DAO}),
            new ClassDetail(PKG_DEPOSIT, Scope.Prototype)

        try {
            // Get the context singleton and initialize it by registering all classes.
            ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContext.CONTEXT;

            // Call getInstance method
            DepositService depositService_1 = context.getInstance(DepositService.class);
            Deposit deposit_1 = context.getInstance(Deposit.class);

            // Call getInstance method
            DepositService depositService_2 = context.getInstance(DepositService.class);
            Deposit deposit_2 = context.getInstance(Deposit.class);

        } catch (Exception e) {


ApplicationContext Singleton Class

Values Description
CONTEXT The singleton instance of the class
Methods Description
init(final ClassDetail[] details) Return Value: void - Initializes the context by registering all passed classes.
getClass() Return Value: Class<T> - Fetches the scoped instance of the class.

ClassDetail Class

Constructors Description
ClassDetail(final String className) constructor method
ClassDetail(final String className, final String[] dependencies) constructor method
ClassDetail(final String className, final Scope scope) constructor method
ClassDetail(final String className, final String[] dependencies, final Scope scope) constructor method
Methods Description
getClassName() Type: String - The instances of which to be managed. String value ust be full class path including package name.
getDependencies() Type: [String, <...>] - An array of dependent classes. String value must be full class path including package name.
getScope() Type: Scope - the scope of the class instance. Defaults to Scope.Singleton.

Scope Enum

Values Description
Singleton This creates only one shared instance in the container context.
Prototype This creates a new instance in the container context every time when an instance is fetched.