
The project demonstrates how to use QueryDSL add-on in CUBA applications. It can be run as usual CUBA project.


The project presents service beans that implement methods, using type-safe queries.

Here is an example of using join in query. It is an extract from the public List<Order> findCommittedOrdersByStorage(Id<Storage, UUID> storageId, String view) method in the OrderRepositoryServiceBeanWorker service bean.
            .from(orderStorageItem).join(orderStorageItem.order, order)

Comparing can be performed like in the following example. It is an extract from the public List<StorageForOrder> findStoragesWhichCanProvideOrder(Id<Order, UUID> orderId, View storageView, View storageItemView) method in the StorageRepositoryServiceBeanWorker service bean:

List<StorageItem> appropriateStorageItems =
            .from(storageItem, orderItem)