03/15/2014: updated models for backend
WorldAlumni depends on the following packages:
Install MySQL from official site, or use homebrew (For Mac OS only):
$ brew install mysql
Install MySQLWorkbench from official site for easier management.
2.Python packages:
Django: Framework
$ pip install django
MySQLdb: Python interface for MySQL
$ pip install mysql-python
$ sudo pip install django-grappelli
Django south: Since Django does not provide schema migration, to avoid manully modify the database schema, we use Django-south to automize this process.
$ sudo pip install south
$ sudo pip install python-social-auth
Django Rest Framework:
We use djangoRestFramework to develop our rest apis
$ sudo pip install djangorestframework
$ sudo pip install markdown
$ sudo pip install django-filter
Configure your WorldAlumni/settings.py to connect to your local mysql database:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'worldalumni',
'USER': 'root',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '',
'charset': 'utf8',
'use_unicode': True,
'init_command': 'SET storage_engine=INNODB,character_set_connection=utf8,collation_connection=utf8_unicode_ci',
Then, sync database:
$ python manage.py syncdb
The first you do the schemamigration, there probably will be an error which said:
django.db.utils.DatabaseError: table "myapp_tablename" already exists
You should specify the --fake option the first time we do migration:
$ ./manage.py migrate myapp --fake
More details following this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3090648/django-south-table-already-exists
Setup Django and Mysql-Python on Mac OS Lion
We use Python Social Authentication for accesing user profile information.
Apply for a Facebook application and a LinkedIn one. The domain of the app is registered at http://worldalumni.io:8000/ during the developement. Change /etc/hosts to add this hostname to to direct local visits.
Now: logging in for both networks is fine, but no information retrievement is not implemented. Integration with server db is not clear. To do: grasp auth procedure and implement views and templates logically. Examples available on psa github page. 'User' concept in Django.
**Should change /etc/hosts and added this following entry into it ** worldalumni.io