molecule builder for LAMMPS in Julia, see documentation here.
Documentation | Licence |
The current version of lmp_str.jl
requires Julia 1.0 or higher.
The package can be installed with the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run:
julia> ]
(@v1.x) pkg> add
This method is convenient, while the path of lmp_str
may take some time to found. Usually it will be $HOME/.julia/packages/lmp_str/{version code}
. Meanwhile, files in this path are read-only.
More about Pkg: Julia Pkg Manual, 中文文档
Download the source code with git clone, not Zips!
cd {target_path} git clone lmp_str
Add package in julia
julia> ] (@v1.x) pkg> add "{target_path}/lmp_str"
This method require one more steps but more flexible.