
This repository includes codes that calculate the thermodynamic competition and optimize synthesis conditions by minimizing thermodynamic competition.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository includes samples codes that calculate the thermodynamic competition and optimize synthesis conditions by minimizing thermodynamic competition. Version=1.0

installation of the synthesis condition optimizer (only requires pre-install numpy) and pymatgen

pip install -e.
pip install pymatgen

Examples: Calculate the thermodynamic competition for LiIn(IO3)4

An example is in test/example_LInI.py

Output (test on apple M2 chip)

pH = 0.66
redox potential = 1.5869939999999998 V
conc_dict is  {'Li': 1.5, 'In': 0.1, 'I': 0.8} (Unit: mol / L)
thermodynamic competition is -0.056 eV/atom
running time is 1 second

Calculate the thermodynamic competition for LiFePO4

An example is in test/example_LFP.py

Output (test on apple M2 chip)

pH = 8.29
redox potential = -0.506239 V
conc_dict is  {'Li': 0.75, 'Fe': 0.25, 'P': 0.28} (Unit: mol / L)
thermodynamic competition is -0.058 eV/atom
running time is 5 second

Optimize synthesis condition to synthesis BaCO3

An example is in test/example_optimization.py

Output (test on apple M2 chip)

pH = 9.9
redox potential = 0 V
conc_dict is  {'Ba': 2.00, 'C': 2.00} (Unit: mol / L)
thermodynamic competition is -0.38 eV/atom
running time is 11 second

If you find the codes and data useful, please consider citing our paper:

	author = {Wang, Zheren and Sun, Yingzhi and Cruse, Kevin and Zeng, Yan and Fei, Yuxing and Liu, Zexuan and Shangguan, Junyi and Byeon, Young-Woon and Jun, KyuJung and He, Tanjin and Sun, Wenhao and Ceder, Gerbrand},
	doi = {10.1038/s44160-023-00479-0},
	journal = {Nature Synthesis},
	title = {Optimal thermodynamic conditions to minimize kinetic by-products in aqueous materials synthesis},
	year = {2024}