
Logical Clocks Design System — NPM Package

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Logical Clocks Design System Library

header image

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

The current repo is the implementation of the library of the design system of Logical Clocks, so called Quartz.

  • NPM package of React components TS
  • use storybook as documentation
  • use Rebass as a base CSS frame and Emotion for overwriting style

The DS is first experimented on Figma before being implemented: https://www.figma.com/file/mvY1f3xMXUEd6szvT82FxB/Feature-Store?node-id=327%3A0

Github Pages

An online version of the Storybook can be found here: Quartz Storybook.

The version deployed corresponds to the dev branch and is updated on every new commit.

How to use the package?



npm install --save @logicalclocks/quartz


yarn add @logicalclocks/quartz


import React from 'react'

import { ThemeProvider, Button } from 'quartz-design-system'

const App = () => (
      <Button>My button</Button>

Since components are built on rebass, those have extended props from Box or `Flex' components. It means that you can add some extra styles if they needed.

For example:

    p="30px 40px 10px 0px"

Put ThemeProvider Context on the top of components tree to provide the default theme.

The library has peer dependencies which need to be installed in a main project:

    "rebass": "^4.0.7",
    "react": "^16.13.1",
    "emotion-theming": "^10.0.27"

How to develop components for the package?

Run npm run storybook

Put new component in

How to build?

Run npm run build


AGPL-3.0 Licence © logicalclocks

Run locally

Run npm ci and then npm run storybook

Build locally

Run npm ci and then npm run build-dev


Delete node_modules and dist folders then follow Build locally or Run locally instruction

On repo update

Follow Build locally or Run locally instruction