
Based on the external mapping file, mock target method.基于外部映射文件, 模拟目标方法,返回模拟结果

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Developers often mock external interfaces for testing, so there's a lot of test code in the business code.This reduces readability and maintainability.
To solve this problem, we plan to move the test code to the configuration file, and then use javaassist or spring aop to process the target object or class.
Based on this plan, we have developed this tool.

Getting Started

Adding Maven Dependencies


Create a new configuration file

  1. create a new folder named mock in classpath
  2. create a new text file in YAML format in mock,such as class.yml

Write configuration information

Write configuration information to the file


Run your project


Configuration example

  # specify the mock mode to use
  - type: BEAN_REPLACE
    # specify target class
    className: com.github.gungnirlaevatain.mock.sample.replace.ReplaceTestServiceImpl
      # specify target method
      - method: testReturnObjectByDefault
        # default value
        defaultResult: '{"a":"AAA","b":3,"c":"2019-07-23 00:32:00","d":{"a":"BBB"}}'
      - method: testReturnObjectByParam
        # specify the return value under different conditions
            # Get the input parameter based on the syntax of jsonpath. 
            # The root node is an array of input parameters
          - path: $.0
            # Expected value
            expected: 1
            # When the input parameter value is equal to the expected value, return the defined result
            result: '{"a":"AAA"}'
          - path: $.1
            expected: 'B'
            result: '{"a":"BBB"}'
          - path: $.2.a
            expected: 'CCC'
            result: '{"a":"CCC"}'
      - method: testVoid
        defaultResult: '{"a":"AAA","b":3,"c":"2019-07-23 00:32:00","d":{"a":"BBB"}}'
      - method: testReturnString
        defaultResult: 'true'
      - method: testReturnInt
        defaultResult: '1'
      - method: testReturnInt
        # For overloaded methods, need to specify the type of the input parameter
          - java.lang.String
        defaultResult: 2
      - method: testReturnInt
          - java.lang.String
          - com.github.gungnirlaevatain.mock.sample.TestResult
        defaultResult: "3"

Configuration information

keytypedefault valuedescription
entitiesList null root key
  ├─type StringBEAN_PROXY mock mode
  ├─className Stringnull target class name
  ├─methodsList null target methods
    ├─methodString null target method name
    ├─defaultResultString null default return value. If it is an object, it is a string in JSON format
    ├─paramClassList null the list of the input parameter class name
    ├─resultsList null rules for returning results
      ├─pathString null get the input parameter based on the syntax of jsonpath,the root node is an array of input parameters
      ├─expectedString null expected value
      ├─resultString null when the input parameter value is equal to the expected value, return the defined result

Mock Mode


Based on BeanPostProcessor, proxy target bean


Based on InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor, replace the target bean with a proxy instance when the target bean cannot be generated


Based on Javaassist, modify target class

Sample Code


  • Write the target class
public class ProxyTestServiceImpl implements ProxyTestService {
     * Test return object by default.
     * @return the proxy test result
     * @author GungnirLaevatain
    public TestResult testReturnObjectByDefault() {
        return null;
public class TestResult {

    private String a;
    private Integer b;
    private Date c;
    private TestResult d;
  • Define configuration
  - type: BEAN_PROXY
    className: com.github.gungnirlaevatain.mock.sample.proxy.ProxyTestService
      - method: testReturnObjectByDefault
        defaultResult: '{"a":"AAA","b":3,"c":"2019-07-23 00:32:00","d":{"a":"BBB"}}'
  • Write test class
@SpringBootTest(classes = MockSampleApplication.class)
public class BeanProxyTest {

    private ProxyTestService proxyTestService;

     * Method: testReturnObjectByDefault()
    public void testTestReturnObjectByDefault() throws Exception {
        TestResult testResult = proxyTestService.testReturnObjectByDefault();
        Assert.assertEquals("AAA", testResult.getA());
        Assert.assertEquals(0, 3 - testResult.getB());
        Assert.assertEquals("BBB", testResult.getD().getA());
  • Output
TestResult(a=AAA, b=3, c=Tue Jul 23 00:32:00 CST 2019, d=TestResult(a=BBB, b=null, c=null, d=null))


See mock-sample module