
BAlertAthenaCLI creates an LSL stream and streams data over LSL from a B-Alert X10 or X24 system by Advanced Brain Monitoring (http://www.b-alert.com/).

It is based on the App-BAlert LSL app but does not require Qt (somewhat simplifying the build process), and is designed to be run from the command line.

It requires the Athena SDK from ABM. It does not required the BAlert-Live application to run, as it connects directly to the device. However, it does require the BAlert-Live application to be installed as certain configuration files from BAlert-Live are required.


  • Unzip the LSLBAlertAthenaCLI release .zip into a folder. It will include the .exe executable as well as the LSL dll (lsl.dll).
  • Copy the contents of the bin folder of the ABM Athena SDK into the same folder.
  • Copy the entire Config folder from the installed BAlert-Live app into the same folder (as a subfolder named Config).


  • Make sure that the device is turned on and properly connected.
  • Run the LSLBAlertAthenaCLI.exe application. A console window will open and a descriptive message will appear.
  • The application will automatically connect to the device and create an LSL stream with the name "BAlert" and type "EEG".

Build Instructions


  • liblsl i386 release -- download and extract. (Note: Tested with version 1.15.2.)
  • ABM BAlert Athena SDK.
  • The Windows 10 SDK 10.0.20348.0 or higher for C++ 17 compatibility (see here). This may be installable as a VisualStudio component or separately.
  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Copy/move the ABM Athena SDK to a folder named SDK that is parallel to the root folder of this repository.
  3. Move the liblsl folder (liblsl-1.15.2-Win_i386) so that it is parallel to the root folder of this repository. (So you should have a folder containing three folders: this repo, the SDK, and liblsl)
  4. Double-click (or open) the BAlertAthena.sln to open the project in Visual Studio 2019.
  5. Select Release and x86 from the target dropdowns.
  6. Build. The executable will be in the Release folder.
  7. Copy the lsl.dll file from the liblsl-1.15.2-Win_i386\bin folder into the Release folder.
  8. Copy all of the dlls from the SDK\bin folder into the Release folder.
  9. Copy the Config folder from the BAlert-Live app (as indicated under Installation above) to your Release folder (so that it is a subfolder called Config in the folder where your executable is located).