
Docker image for Pentaho BI server(community edition). https://hub.docker.com/r/zhicwu/biserver-ce/

Primary LanguageShell


Pentaho BI server(community edition) docker image. https://hub.docker.com/r/zhicwu/biserver-ce/

What's inside

 |-- phusion/baseimage:latest
      |-- zhicwu/java:8
           |-- zhicwu/biserver-ce:7.0

Known issue

  • Not able to import mondrian schema in console, you'll have to use schema workbench to publish schema to BI server

Get started

  • Run vanilla Pentaho server
$ docker run --name bi -p 8080:8080 -d zhicwu/biserver-ce:7.0 biserver
$ docker logs -f bi
  • Run patched Pentaho server
$ docker run --name bi -e APPLY_PATCHES=Y -p 8080:8080 -d zhicwu/biserver-ce:7.0 biserver
$ docker logs -f bi
  • Use docker-compose (Recommended)
$ git clone https://github.com/zhicwu/docker-biserver-ce.git -b 7.0 --single-branch
$ cd docker-biserver-ce
... edit .env and/or docker-compose.yml based on your needs, put your Pentaho configuration files under ext directory if necessary ...
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose logs -f

Regardless which approach you took, after server started, you should be able to access http://localhost:8080(admin/password) or http://localhost:8080/jamon(no login required).

How to use external database

Taking MySQL 5.x as an example. Assuming you have pbi_repository, pbi_quartz and pdi_jcr 3 databases created, change docker-compose.yml to set STORAGE_TYPE to mysql5, and then mount volume ./secret.env:/biserver-ce/data/secret.env:rw: with the following content:


How to build

$ git clone https://github.com/zhicwu/docker-biserver-ce.git -b 7.0 --single-branch
$ cd docker-biserver-ce
$ docker build -t my/biserver:7.0 .