
SimpleBio is a simplified biogenic voc emission model for CMAQ modelers.

Primary LanguageR


SimpleBio is a simplified biogenic voc emission model for CMAQ modelers.

Currently there are so many biogenic voc emission models including BEIS2, BEIS3, Megan and Globeis, so why should I develop a bvoc model?

SimpleBio is simple

Calculated ISOP of SCBasin in April

The SimpleBio Model needs no extra data on landuse or emission factors or LAI or balabala, the only data needed is WRFOUT. WRF output netCDF data was processed with MCIP, with which the file format was converted to IOAPI, and the grid matches perfectly with CMAQ.

SimpleBio is portable

SimpleBio was written in R and can be ported to Windows, Mac or Linux, even for Linux on ARM.

SimpleBio is easy to go

SimpleBio runs under both IDE(RStudio) and CLI, parameters can be set by editing the code or passed from CLI. Installation follow https://github.com/airmonster/SimpleBio/wiki

SimpleBio is free and opensource

Source code of SimpleBio will be released right the moment of my essay publishes.

Contact me via lcw@cdaes.cn