
Protobuf files for Zetta Table Store

Primary LanguageShell


Protocol buffer files for Zetta Table Store


  • Go
  • Protoc >= 3.1.0
  • gogo/protobuf
  • This repo correctly placed in your $GOPATH.


  • Write your own protocol file in proto folder.
  • Run make to generate go code. We generate all go codes in pkg folder.
  • Update the dependent projects.

Multiple protoc Versions

If you need to override your version of protoc because you have a later version you can install the correct version like so:

curl -L https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v$PROTOC_VERSION/protoc-$PROTOC_VERSION-linux-x86_64.zip -o protoc.zip &&\
unzip protoc.zip -d protoc &&\
rm protoc.zip

Then you can run PATH="$(pwd)/protoc/bin:$PATH" make