
Official toolkit for Multi-View Layout Estimation Challenge in OmniCV workshop at CVPR'23.

Primary LanguagePython


This toolkit is part of the Multi-view Layout Estimation Challenge of the Omnidirectional Computer Vision (OmniCV) workshop at CVPR'23. To participate and submit results, join us on EvalAI. Please visit our official site mvl-challege for more detailed information .

For public queries, discussion, and free access tutorials please join us in our Slack workspace.

What can you do with this toolkit?

This implementation offers the following capabilities to support the mvl-challenge:

  • Download the training, testing and pilot datasets used in this challenge.
  • Load and register the data as an instance of <Layout class>, which simplifies camera and layout projection for you.
  • Load and retrive multiple <Layout class> instances associated to a query room.
  • Provide examples of how to evaluate a layout estimation using <Layout class> instances.
  • Provide methods to save, zip and submit layout estimates to EvalAI.


[04/2023] — Tutorial 2: Use 360-MLC for self-training is out now!
[04/2023] — Tutorial 1: Train your HorizonNet on our dataset is out now!
[03/2023] — Toolkit released!


git clone https://github.com/mvlchallenge/mvl_toolkit.git
cd mvl_toolkit
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip install -e .

Note that we have included HorizonNet as a submodule. This submodule is intended solely as an out-of-the-box layout estimation example. You should find a non-empty folder mvl_challenge/models/HorizonNet.

Aferwards, run the following command to test the installation.

python test_mvl_toolkit.py


In this challenge, two multi-view datasets are included, 1) MP3D-FPE collected from Matterport3D, and 2) HM3D-MVL collected from HM3D. Both are collected in equirectangular camera projection.

We have reorganized both datasets into a standard naming convention as ${scene_name}_${version}_${room}_${idx}, e.g., E9uDoFAP3SH_1_room0_982, and the data structure is listed as follows:

└── ${MVL_DATA_DIR}/
    ├── geometry_info/
    │    └── pa4otMbVnkk_0_room0_109.json
    │    └── k1cupFYWXJ6_1_room10_98.json
    │    └── ...
    ├── img/
    │    └── pa4otMbVnkk_0_room0_109.jpg
    │    └── k1cupFYWXJ6_1_room10_98.jpg
    │    └── ...
    └── labels/
          └── gt/
          │    └── pa4otMbVnkk_0_room0_109.npz
          │    └── k1cupFYWXJ6_1_room10_98.npz
          │    └── ...
          └── gt_vis/
               └── pa4otMbVnkk_0_room0_109.jpg
               └── k1cupFYWXJ6_1_room10_98.jpg
               └── ...

Besides, we provide scene list files that define the training, testing, and pilot splits for each phase in this challenge at mvl_challenge/data/scene_list/.

⚠️ No ground truths are included for this challenge, except for the pilot split.


Downlaod the dataset

# use -h for more details
python download_mvl_data.py
# or specify output directory and split
python download_mvl_data.py -o ${MVL_DATA_DIR} -split ${SPLIT}

Check data with scene list

The *.json files under mvl_challenge/data/scene_list/ are the scene lists. Each scene list will be the key to let you access different types of the existing data. For example, with scene_list__warm_up_pilot_set.json, we can access the data of pilot set in the warm-up phase.

Run the following command to make sure the data has been correctly downloaded and whether you can access it:

# use -h for more details
python check_scene_list.py
# or
python check_scene_list.py -d ${MVL_DATA_DIR} -f ${SCENE_LIST}

Load the data and visualize

# use -h for more details
python mvl_challenge/mvl_data/load_mvl_dataset.py
# or
python mvl_challenge/mvl_data/load_mvl_dataset.py -d ${MVL_DATA_DIR} -f ${SCENE_LIST}

You should see a sequence of panorama images, which are specified in the passed scene list filenae.

Estimate the layouts and visualize

Load the data and, moreover, estimate layouts using a pre-trained model. In the following command, we use HorizonNet as a layout estimator only for didactic purposes.

# use -h for more details
python mvl_challenge/mvl_data/load_and_eval_mvl_dataset.py
# or
python mvl_challenge/mvl_data/load_and_eval_mvl_dataset.py -d ${MVL_DATA_DIR} -f ${SCENE_LIST} --ckpt ${CHECK_POINT}

P.S. For the ${CHECK_POINT}, we provide an example under mvl_challenge/assets/ckpt/. You can use your own model and pretrained weights for sure.

You should see the visualization of a sequence of panorama images with the green layout predicted by HorizonNet.

In the end, it will pop out a window showing the point cloud of all the layout estimations in 3D.

Save estimations

In order to submit to EvalAI and evalute your estimations, we further save the prediction results into *.npz files. Each image from the testing split will have a correspinding *.npz file containing the layout estimation output. These *.npz files will be stored in ${RESULT_DIR}.

# use -h for more details
python mvl_challenge/challenge_results/create_npz_files.py
# or
python mvl_challenge/challenge_results/create_npz_files.py -d ${MVL_DATA_DIR} -f ${SCENE_LIST} -o ${RESULT_DIR} --ckpt ${CHECK_POINT}

Next, we will zip all the predicted *.npz files.

# use -h for more details
python mvl_challenge/challenge_results/create_zip_results.py
# or
python mvl_challenge/challenge_results/create_zip_results.py -d ${YOUR_RESULT} -f ${SCENE_LIST}

⚠️ This zip file is the only file that will be submitted to the EvalAI server. It is stored in mvl_challenge/assets/npz/ by default.

Submit to EvalAI

We recommend you to submit your results' file ${YOUR_RESULT_ZIP} using CLI. You should participate in adavance to submit.

# Install evalai-cli
pip install evalai

# Add your EvalAI account token to evalai-cli
evalai set_token ${YOUR_TOKEN}

# Submit the your ${YOUR_RESULT_ZIP} store at mvl_challenge/assets/npz/
evalai challenge 1906 phase 3801 submit --file ${YOUR_RESULT_ZIP} --large

Check evaluation result

We provide pilot split for you to double check if the evaluation result in your local computer agrees with the one on EvalAI.

Evaluate on your local computer:

# use -h for more details
python mvl_challenge/challenge_results/evaluate_results.py
# or
python mvl_challenge/challenge_results/evaluate_results.py -d ${MVL_DATA_DIR} -f ${PILOT_SCENE_LIST} -o ${PILOT_EVAL_DIR} --ckpt ${CHECK_POINT}

If the evaluation results are matching, congratulations! You've already completed the submission!


The dataset is for non-commercial academic use only, and it's under the Matterport open source license.

The code is released under the MIT license.