2024-01-10: Fix a bug in transformer.py
, which may cause error when get_config
method is called.
2023-09-11: Code is modified to support batch random generation. Much more faster!
python 3.7
tensorflow-gpu >= 2.3.0
rdkit >= 2020.03.2.0
pandas >= 1.0.3
numpy >= 1.19.2
See data
fold to get data and preprocess data.
python training.py --input_npy ./data/training_raw_chain --target_npy ./data/training_raw_target --npy_num 10
More arguments setting can be found and changed in code file training.py
python eval_random.py --num_sample NUM_SAMPLE --output OUTPUT --ckpt CHECKPOINT
More arguments setting can be found and changed in code file eval_random.py
python eval_from_scaffold.py --input INPUT_NPY --target TARGET_NPY --num_sample NUM_SAMPLE --output OUTPUT_FILE --ckpt CHECKPOINT_PATH
More arguments setting can be found and changed in code file eval_from_scaffold.py
Zhirui Liao, Lei Xie, Hiroshi Mamitsuka, Shanfeng Zhu, Sc2Mol: a scaffold-based two-step molecule generator with variational autoencoder and transformer, Bioinformatics, Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2023, btac814, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btac814
Please feel free to send bug reports or questions to Zhirui Liao: zrliao19@fudan.edu.cn and Prof. Shanfeng Zhu: zhusf@fudan.edu.cn
It is free for non-commercial use. For commercial use, please contact with Zhirui Liao and Prof. Shanfeng Zhu (zhusf@fudan.edu.cn).