
Django tutorial

Primary LanguagePython

The tutorial of Django

Basic flow: user request in browser -> url -> view -> HTML templates -> view -> user browser The urls.py links to stuff in views.py based on the requested url The views.py controls the high level template and data to use The html template defined all the webpage showing details

Each project contains several apps, each app has it's own urls.py, views.py and templates Create a project: python manage.py startproject $NAME Create an app: python manage.py startapp $NAME

Each type of data is called a model, defined as a class The model needs to be migrated to the database as a single table (in "db.sqlite3") Make migration and then migrate the model: "python manage.py makemigrations" "python manage.py migrate" Each time the model changes, re-do the above two steps

Create super user login: "python manage.py createsuperuser" Register your models to admin area so that you can add/delete... models as admin through webpage

Django does handle static files (images, javascript, ...) very well, that's usually done through AWS Define the static file path in settings.py (assets/...) Use the static files in the html templates

In order for the django webpage public, run: sudo npm install -g localtunnel lt --port 8000 --subdomain jasoniswow