
Trello webhook, monitor and auto prepend issue number to cards

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Trello Issue

Webhook for Trello Board, auto prepend issue number to the new-created cards, such as #11.

trello Issue Demo


Get your key and token

  1. Get your developer key
  2. Get an authorization token with this url: https://trello.com/1/connect?key=<APP_KEY>&name=YOUR_APP_NAME&response_type=token&expiration=never&scope=read,write

Bind Webhook to your Board

Follow the instruction: Creating a Webhook

You can also use below command to add webhook with httpie

http -v POST https://trello.com/1/tokens/{OAUTH_TOKEN}/webhooks/\?key\={APP_KEY}   idModel={BOARD_ID} description='{custom_description}' callbackURL='http://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/callback?{any_parameters_you_want_append}'

Arguments description:

  • OAUTH_TOKEN Authorization token which you get from the last step.
  • APP_KEY Your application key
  • BOARD_ID The id of the board which you want to monitor.
  • YOUR_DOMAIN Replace with your domain which you deploy this webhook. Note you should not change the /callback path.



# use your prefer editor to edit the config file
vim conf/config.yml

About the config file, you can custom below attributes:

# The default prefix looks like below, based on the default config
#   '#TASK0001', '#TASK1101'

# Total length of numbers, exclude prefix
#   eg:
#     4 -- 0001
#     4 -- 0123
#     3 -- 001
numbersLength: 4

# Start number, start from which the app generates issue number
startNumber: 1

# Prefix of the issue number, any string you want, such as `#TASK`
prefix: '#'

Start the server

# start use `--harmony`
node --harmony index.js
# OR use PM2
pm2 start index.js --name trello-issue