
remote control any host or machine by python paramiko

Primary LanguagePython

h1. this tool is used to control remote machine

h1. required packages

python 2.6 or higher paramkio (yum install python-dev && easy_install paramiko)

h1 .the usage as follows:

Usage: anhost [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  remote host, domain or ip is ok, can be have many -H
                        option (required unless given -f option)
  -p PASSWD, --passwd=PASSWD
                        password (required)
  -u USER, --user=USER  username (required)
  -m CMD, --cmd=CMD     list of commands will be run in remote host, can be
                        have many -m option (required)
  -s SRC, --src=SRC     source file, absolute path
  -t TRANSFER, --transfer=TRANSFER
                        transfer mode, upload or download
  -d DEST, --dest=DEST  destination filename, absolute path
  -S, --sudo            whether run cmd as root
  -T, --thread          multi-thread mode
  -f HOSTFILE, --hostfile=HOSTFILE
                        host file, used when there is many host need run
                        store result of command executed, valid if using -T
  -i TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                        timeout of each thread if using -T option

h1. example

1. upload file dns_node.conf 
./anyhost -H w-f01.tool.zzct.test.net -s /home/liuguirong/wire_selfcdn/dns_node.conf -d /home/liuguirong/dns_node.conf -t upload -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxx
2. execute command
./anyhost -H w-f01.tool.zzct.test.net -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxx -m "df -m"
3. execute many commands once
./anyhost -H w-f01.tool.zzct.test.net -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxx -m "df -m" -m "ifconfig" -m "ls -l"
4. execute many commands once as sudo user
./anyhost -H w-f01.tool.zzct.test.net -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxx -m "df -m" -m "ifconfig" -m "ls -l" -S
5. execute commands on many hosts on sequence
./anyhost -f node.conf -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxx -m "df -m"
    node.conf content is:
6. execute commands on many hosts at same time
./anyhost -f node.conf -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxx -m "df -m" -T
    node.conf content is: