
Relative representations can be leveraged to enable solving tasks regarding "latent communication": from zero-shot model stitching to latent space comparison between diverse settings.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Relative representations enable zero-shot latent space communication

Slides | OpenReview | arXiv | BibTeX

NN Template

Luca Moschella*, Valentino Maiorca*, Marco Fumero, Antonio Norelli, Francesco Locatello, Emanuele RodolĂ 

* equal contribution


NN Template Python Code style: black

pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/lucmos/relreps.git


Development installation

Setup the development environment:

git clone git@github.com:lucmos/relreps.git
cd relreps
conda env create -f env.yaml
conda activate relreps
pre-commit install
dvc pull

Refer to the template documentation for an high level overview of the code structure.

Update the dependencies

Re-install the project in edit mode:

pip install -e .[dev]


    title={Relative representations enable zero-shot latent space communication},
    author={Luca Moschella and Valentino Maiorca and Marco Fumero and Antonio Norelli and Francesco Locatello and Emanuele Rodol{\`a}},
    booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations },