Implement FVD in pytorch

Primary LanguagePython

FVD Calculation library

We have reimplemented the calculation of FVD using PyTorch, adapted from VideoGPT and StyleGAN-V.

This repo handle several issues:

  • Video Data Preprocessing: Frames are resized before inputting into the model.

  • Frame Sampling Strategy: We employ a continuous frame sampling strategy, sampling fixed frames throughout the video, offering options for sampling at the random, beginning or middle positions of the video.

  • Comparison between VideoGPT and StyleGAN

FVD difference between VideoGPT and StyleGAN

  • VideoGPT resize each frame to (224, 224), StyleGAN resize each frame to (128, 128) while keeping the aspect ratio, then do center cropping
  • When computing trace in FVD, VideoGPT use Trace(G + R) - 2 * Trace(sqrt(R * G)) instead of Trace((G + R) - 2 * (sqrt(R * G))) in StyleGAN. The latter may lead to unstable result due to calculating trace of a large matrix.
  • Different pretrained i3d model
  • The error is around 10%.


install package and requirements

pip install dist/fvdcal-1.0-py3-none-any.whl
pip install decord torch
from fvdcal import FVDCalculation
from pathlib import Path

fvd_videogpt = FVDCalculation(method="videogpt")
fvd_stylegan = FVDCalculation(method="stylegan")

generated_videos_folder = Path("/home/xxx")
real_videos_folder = Path("/home/yyy")

videos_list1 = list(real_videos_folder.glob("*.avi"))
videos_list2 = list(generated_videos_folder.glob("*.mp4"))

score_videogpt = fvd_videogpt.calculate_fvd_by_video_path(videos_list1, videos_list2)
score_stylegan = fvd_stylegan.calculate_fvd_by_video_path(videos_list1, videos_list2)


  • Standardize the video frame rate for FVD computation (via interpolation) to ensure consistent motion dynamics across frames.


      title={VideoGPT: Video Generation using VQ-VAE and Transformers}, 
      author={Wilson Yan and Yunzhi Zhang and Pieter Abbeel and Aravind Srinivas},

    title={StyleGAN-V: A Continuous Video Generator with the Price, Image Quality and Perks of StyleGAN2},
    author={Ivan Skorokhodov and Sergey Tulyakov and Mohamed Elhoseiny},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.14683},