
A PyTorch implementation of WS-DAN (Weakly Supervised Data Augmentation Network) for FGVC (Fine-Grained Visual Classification)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A PyTorch implementation of WS-DAN (Weakly Supervised Data Augmentation Network) for FGVC (Fine-Grained Visual Classification). (Hu et al., "See Better Before Looking Closer: Weakly Supervised Data Augmentation Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification", arXiv:1901.09891)

NOTICE: This is NOT an official implementation by authors of WS-DAN.

Attention Cropping and Attention Dropping


The framework introduce an attention based method for extracting more detailed features and more object's parts by Attention Cropping and Attention Dropping, see Fig 1.

Training Process and Testing Process



Bilinear Attention Pooling (BAP)



This code repo contains WS-DAN with feature extractors including VGG19, ResNet(34, 50, 101, 152), and Inception_v3 in PyTorch form. The default feature extractor is Inception_v3, and this can be modified conveniently in train_wsdan.py:

# feature_net = vgg19_bn(pretrained=True)
# feature_net = resnet101(pretrained=True)
feature_net = inception_v3(pretrained=True)

net = WSDAN(num_classes=num_classes, M=num_attentions, net=feature_net)
  1. git clone this repo.
  2. Prepare image data and rewrite dataset.py for your CustomDataset.
  3. $ nohup python3 train_wsdan.py -j <num_workers> -b <batch_size> --sd <save_ckpt_directory> (etc.) 1>log.txt 2>&1 & (see train_wsdan.py for more training options)
  4. $ tail -f log.txt for logging information.