An implementation of the ideas from this paper
Code base adapted from
This repo. was created with an objective to learn Generative modeling in an enclosed Open-AI's environment with Evolutionary Strategy using the CMA-ES algorithm. There are some ongoing experiments for the next steps with different backbones and Attention units.
For full installation and run instructions:
- Create the anaconda environment file from requirement.txt
- Base frameworks in use are Keras-GPU(v2.3.1) and Tensorflow-GPU(v2.1)
- Run the notebooks for analysis of the experiments based on the weights and collected data
- For rendering the benchmarks, in OpenAI Gym environment:
python car_racing --filename ./controller/ --render --final_mode
- The videos for some agents reaching some good scores are here
- The complete instructions for rendering and benchmark will be updated soon...
Architecture for the VAE (Backbone)
Architecture for the RNN
Box/Machine configuration: Experimentations done on a AMD's 8-core CPU with a Nvidia's GeForce RTX-2070 (Turing)