Deep Learning on IBM Stocks

The Data

We choose to analyse IBM history stock data which include about 13K records from the last 54 years. [From the year 1962 to this day] Each record contains:

  • Open price: The price in which the market in that month started at.
  • Close price: The price in which the market in that month closed at.
  • High Price: The max price the stock reached within the month.
  • Low price: The min price the stock reached within the month.
  • Volume: The max price the stock reached within the month.
  • Adjacent close price.
  • Date: Day, Month and Year.

The main challenges of this project are:

  • The limited data within a market that is changed by wide variety of things. In particular, things that we don't see in the raw data, like special accouncments on new technology.
  • The historic data of stocks in a particular situation doesn't necessarily resolve the same outcome in the exact same situation a few years later.
  • We wondered whether it is possible to actually find some features that will give us better accuracy than random.

This project is interesting because as everybody knows deep learning solved tasks that considered difficult even with pretty basic deep learning features.

And of course, If we find something useful when it comes to stock then good prediction = profit.

from import DataReader
from datetime import datetime
import os
import pandas as pd
import random
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM,GRU,SimpleRNN
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import warnings

from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
Using Theano backend.

Load or Download the data

def get_data_if_not_exists(force=False):
    if os.path.exists("./data/ibm.csv") and not force:
        return pd.read_csv("./data/ibm.csv")
        if not os.path.exists("./data"):
        ibm_data = DataReader('IBM', 'yahoo', datetime(1950, 1, 1),
        return pd.DataFrame(ibm_data).reset_index()

Data Exploration

print "loading the data"
data = get_data_if_not_exists(force=True)
print "done loading the data"
loading the data
done loading the data
print "data columns names: %s"%data.columns.values
data columns names: ['Date' 'Open' 'High' 'Low' 'Close' 'Volume' 'Adj Close']
print data.shape
(13744, 7)
Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
0 1962-01-02 578.499734 578.499734 572.000241 572.000241 387200 2.300695
1 1962-01-03 572.000241 576.999736 572.000241 576.999736 288000 2.320804
2 1962-01-04 576.999736 576.999736 570.999742 571.250260 256000 2.297679
3 1962-01-05 570.500243 570.500243 558.999753 560.000253 363200 2.252429
4 1962-01-08 559.500003 559.500003 545.000267 549.500263 544000 2.210196

Data exploration highlights:

  • The data contains 13,733 records.
  • Each record reprsent one specific day.
  • Each record contain: Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume and Adj Close.

Creating sequence of close price from the stock data

Our motivation was trying to imitiate a a stock similiar to IBM stock.

Feature extraction:

We'll use for our features only the closing price of the stock. And the sequence generated will include only the closing price aswell.

def extract_features(items):
    return [[item[4]] for item in items]
def extract_expected_result(item):
    return [item[4]]
def train_test_split(data, test_size=0.1):
    This just splits data to training and testing parts
    ntrn = int(round(len(data) * (1 - test_size)))
    X, y = generate_input_and_outputs(data,extract_features,extract_expected_result)
    X_train,y_train,X_test, y_test = X[:ntrn],y[:ntrn],X[ntrn:],y[ntrn:]

    return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test
def generate_input_and_outputs(data,extractFeaturesFunc=extract_features,expectedResultFunc=extract_expected_result):
    step = 1
    inputs = []
    outputs = []
    for i in range(0, len(data) - MAX_WINDOW, step):
        inputs.append(extractFeaturesFunc(data.iloc[i:i + MAX_WINDOW].as_matrix()))
        outputs.append(expectedResultFunc(data.iloc[i + MAX_WINDOW].as_matrix()))
    return inputs, outputs
X_train,y_train, X_test, y_test = train_test_split(data,test_size=0.15)

Distance metrics:

For our evaluation of the quality we used several distance metrics:

  • Euclidean distance.
  • Squared Euclidean distance.
  • Chebyshev distance.
  • Cosine distance.
import scipy.spatial.distance as dist

def distance_functions(generated_seq):
    generated_sequence = np.asarray(generated_seq)
    original_sequence = np.asarray(y_test)

    print 'Euclidean distance: ', dist.euclidean(original_sequence, generated_sequence)
    print 'Squared Euclidean distance: ', dist.sqeuclidean(original_sequence, generated_sequence)
    print 'Chebyshev distance: ', dist.chebyshev(original_sequence, generated_sequence)
    print 'Cosine distance: ', dist.cosine(original_sequence, generated_sequence)
    return generated_sequence

def train_and_evaluate(model, model_name):
    print 'Done building'
    print 'Training...', y_train, batch_size=500, nb_epoch=500, validation_split=0.15,verbose=0)
    print 'Generating sequence...'
    generated_sequence = model.predict(X_test)
    return distance_functions(generated_sequence)

Training and Evaluation

We tried 3 different deep-learning algorithms:

  • LSTM.
  • GRU.
  • SimpleRNN. For each algorithm we generated a sequence, Measured its distance and plotted the given result with the original sequence.
layer_output_size1 = 128

print 'Building LSTM Model'
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(layer_output_size1, return_sequences=False, input_shape=(MAX_WINDOW, len(X_train[0][0]))))
model.add(Dense(len(y_train[0]), input_dim=layer_output_size1))
model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer="rmsprop")
LSTM_seq = train_and_evaluate(model, 'LSTM')
print '----------------------'

print 'Building SimpleRNN Model'
model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(layer_output_size1, return_sequences=False, input_shape=(MAX_WINDOW, len(X_train[0][0]))))
model.add(Dense(len(y_train[0]), input_dim=layer_output_size1))
model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer="rmsprop")
SimpleRNN_seq = train_and_evaluate(model, 'SimpleRNN')
print '----------------------'

print 'Building GRU Model'
model = Sequential()
model.add(GRU(layer_output_size1, return_sequences=False, input_shape=(MAX_WINDOW, len(X_train[0][0]))))
model.add(Dense(len(y_train[0]), input_dim=layer_output_size1))
model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer="rmsprop")
GRU_seq = train_and_evaluate(model, 'GRU')
Building LSTM Model
Done building
Generating sequence...
Euclidean distance:  146.648831224
Squared Euclidean distance:  21505.8796994
Chebyshev distance:  22.0612487793
Cosine distance:  9.0914347589e-05
Building SimpleRNN Model
Done building
Generating sequence...
Euclidean distance:  110.185439683
Squared Euclidean distance:  12140.8311182
Chebyshev distance:  17.1705474854
Cosine distance:  0.000102971857196
Building GRU Model
Done building
Generating sequence...
Euclidean distance:  142.671323629
Squared Euclidean distance:  20355.1065861
Chebyshev distance:  20.6371765137
Cosine distance:  9.01642322843e-05

Graphs showing the difference between the generated sequence and the original

LSTM Sequence vs Original Sequence.

%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (32, 6)

plt.plot(y_test, linewidth=1)
plt.plot(LSTM_seq, marker='o', markersize=4, linewidth=0)
plt.legend(['Original = Blue', 'LSTM = Green '], loc='best', prop={'size':20})


GRU Sequence vs Original Sequence

plt.plot(y_test, linewidth=1)
plt.plot(GRU_seq, marker='o', markersize=4, linewidth=0, c='r')
plt.legend(['Original = Blue','GRU = Red'], loc='best', prop={'size':20})


SimpleRNN Sequence vs Original Sequence.

plt.plot(y_test, linewidth=1)
plt.plot(SimpleRNN_seq, marker='o', markersize=4, linewidth=0, c='black')
plt.legend(['Original = Blue', 'SimpleRNN = Black'], loc='best', prop={'size':20})


Up / Down sequences.

After the generation of a new sequence we wanted to try another thing: Trying to predict up / down sequences.

Feature Extraction and Data Pre-processing.

The features are:

  1. Open price within the day.
  2. Highest price within the day.
  3. Lowest price within the day.
  4. Close price within the day.
  5. Adj Close.
  6. Raise percentage.
  7. Spread.
  8. Up Spread.
  9. Down Spread.
  10. Absolute Difference between Close and Previous day close.
  11. Absolute Difference between Open and Previous day open.
  12. Absolute Difference between High and Previous day high.
  13. Absolute Difference between low and Previous day low.
  14. For each day we've also added a 7 previous day sliding window containing all of the above.
  15. 1 When the stock price raised for that day, 0 When the stock price didn't raise.
data = get_data_if_not_exists(force=True)

for i in range(1,len(data)):
    prev = data.iloc[i-1]
data["up/down"] = (data["Close"] - data["prev_close"]) > 0
data["raise_percentage"] = (data["Close"] - data["prev_close"])/data["prev_close"]
data["spread"] = abs(data["High"]-data["Low"])
data["up_spread"] = abs(data["High"]-data["Open"])
data["down_spread"] = abs(data["Open"]-data["Low"])
# import re
for i in range(1,len(data)):
    prev = data.iloc[i-1]
#     data.set_value(i,"month",re.findall("[1-9]+", str(data.Date[i]))[2])
#     data.set_value(i,"year",re.findall("[1-9]+", str(data.Date[i]))[0])
#     prev = data.iloc[i-2]
#     data.set_value(i,"prev_prev_open",prev["Open"])
#     data.set_value(i,"prev_prev_high",prev["High"])
#     data.set_value(i,"prev_prev_low",prev["Low"])
#     data.set_value(i,"prev_prev_close",prev["Close"])

data["close_diff"] = abs(data["Close"] - data["prev_close"])
# data["close_diff"] = data["Close"] - data["prev_close"]
# data["close_diff"] = abs(data["Close"] / data["prev_close"])
data["open_diff"] = abs(data["Open"] - data["prev_open"])
# data["open_diff"] = data["Open"] - data["prev_open"]
# data["open_diff"] = abs(data["Open"] / data["prev_open"])
data["high_diff"] = abs(data["High"] - data["prev_high"])
# data["high_diff"] = data["High"] - data["prev_high"]
# data["high_diff"] = abs(data["High"] / data["prev_high"])
data["low_diff"] = abs(data["Low"] - data["prev_low"])
# data["low_diff"] = data["Low"] - data["prev_low"]
# data["low_diff"] = abs(data["Low"] / data["prev_low"])

# data["prev_prev_close_diff"] = (data["Close"] - data["prev_prev_close"])
# data["prev_prev_raise_percentage"] = (data["Close"] - data["prev_prev_close"])/data["prev_prev_close"]
# data["prev_prev_open_diff"] = (data["Open"] - data["prev_prev_open"])
# data["prev_prev_high_diff"] = (data["High"] - data["prev_prev_high"])
# data["prev_prev_low_diff"] = (data["Low"] - data["prev_prev_low"])
# data["open_close_mean"] = (data["Open"] + data["Close"])/2
# removing the first record because have no previuse record therefore can't know if up or down
data = data[1:]
Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close prev_close raise_percentage spread up_spread down_spread prev_open prev_high prev_low close_diff open_diff high_diff low_diff
count 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 1.374300e+04 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000 13743.000000
mean 190.003999 191.599421 188.507612 190.029301 4.886859e+06 42.279857 190.059025 0.000132 3.091809 1.595423 1.496386 190.034305 191.629618 188.537477 2.015341 1.944983 1.743855 1.821356
std 132.078279 132.863132 131.408957 132.086500 4.577278e+06 51.511548 132.126487 0.019015 2.524363 1.926445 1.955096 132.119630 132.903900 131.449467 4.573759 4.469536 4.480823 4.525878
min 41.000000 41.750000 40.625000 41.000000 0.000000e+00 1.231153 41.000000 -0.749178 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 41.000000 41.750000 40.625000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 97.559998 98.500000 96.500000 97.500000 1.182400e+06 5.944829 97.500000 -0.007973 1.500000 0.375000 0.270004 97.559998 98.500000 96.500000 0.500000 0.500000 0.379997 0.400002
50% 128.125000 129.250000 127.220001 128.250000 4.168000e+06 16.215748 128.250000 0.000000 2.375000 1.000000 0.875000 128.125000 129.250000 127.220001 1.180000 1.125000 1.000000 1.000000
75% 263.750046 266.000000 261.750092 263.750092 6.962550e+06 71.188760 263.812550 0.008324 3.875046 2.029999 1.999497 263.750092 266.000000 261.750092 2.499848 2.375046 2.062500 2.187500
max 649.000015 649.874802 645.500031 649.000015 6.944470e+07 197.047189 649.000015 0.131636 42.000031 28.500009 42.000031 649.000015 649.874802 645.500031 308.499985 309.000015 311.500015 312.999992
def extract_features(items):
    return [[item[1], item[2], item[3], item[4],
            item[5], item[6], item[9], item[10],
            item[11], item[12], item[16], item[17],
            item[18], item[19], 1] 
            if item[8] 
           [item[1], item[2], item[3], item[4],
            item[5], item[6], item[9], item[10],
            item[11], item[12], item[16], item[17],
            item[18], item[19], 0] 
            for item in items]

def extract_expected_result(item):
    return 1 if item[8] else 0

def generate_input_and_outputs(data):
    step = 1
    inputs = []
    outputs = []
    for i in range(0, len(data) - MAX_WINDOW, step):
        inputs.append(extract_features(data.iloc[i:i + MAX_WINDOW].as_matrix()))
        outputs.append(extract_expected_result(data.iloc[i + MAX_WINDOW].as_matrix()))
    return inputs, outputs
print "generating model input and outputs"
X, y = generate_input_and_outputs(data)
print "done generating input and outputs"
generating model input and outputs
done generating input and outputs
y = to_categorical(y)

Splitting the data to train and test

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.15)
X_train,X_validation,y_train,y_validation = train_test_split(X_train,y_train,test_size=0.15)

Configuration of the deep learning models

models = []
layer_output_size1 = 128
layer_output_size2 = 128
output_classes = len(y[0])
percentage_of_neurons_to_ignore = 0.2

model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(layer_output_size1, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(MAX_WINDOW, len(X[0][0]))))
model.add(LSTM(layer_output_size2, return_sequences=False))
model.alg_name = "LSTM"
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=['accuracy'], optimizer='rmsprop')

model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(layer_output_size1, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(MAX_WINDOW, len(X[0][0]))))
model.add(SimpleRNN(layer_output_size2, return_sequences=False))
model.alg_name = "SimpleRNN"
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=['accuracy'], optimizer='rmsprop')

model = Sequential()
model.add(GRU(layer_output_size1, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(MAX_WINDOW, len(X[0][0]))))
model.add(GRU(layer_output_size2, return_sequences=False))
model.alg_name = "GRU"
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=['accuracy'], optimizer='rmsprop')


def trainModel(model):
    epochs = 5
    print "Training model %s"%(model.alg_name), y_train, batch_size=128, nb_epoch=epochs,validation_data=(X_validation,y_validation), verbose=0)


from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

def createSplit(model):
    print 'Adding layer of DecisionTreeClassifier'
#     split_model = RandomForestClassifier()
#, y_validation)
#     split_model = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=15, max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, random_state=0)
#, y_validation)
#     split_model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=None, min_samples_split=1, random_state=0)
#, y_validation)
    split_model = DecisionTreeClassifier(), y_validation)
    return split_model
def probabilities_to_prediction(record):
    return [1,0] if record[0]>record[1] else [0,1]
def evaluateModel(model):
    success, success2 = 0,0
    predicts = model.predict(X_test)
    split_model = createSplit(model)
    for index, record in enumerate(predicts):
        predicted = list(split_model.predict([np.array(record)])[0])
        predicted2 = probabilities_to_prediction(record)
        expected = y_test[index]
        if predicted[0] == expected[0]:
            success += 1
        if predicted2[0] == expected[0]:
            success2 += 1
    accuracy = float(success) / len(predicts)
    accuracy2 = float(success2) / len(predicts)
    print "The Accuracy for %s is: %s" % (model.alg_name, max(accuracy2, accuracy, 1-accuracy, 1-accuracy2))
    return accuracy
def train_and_evaluate():
    accuracies = {}
    for model in models:
        acc = evaluateModel(model)
        if model.alg_name not in accuracies:
            accuracies[model.alg_name] = []
    return accuracies
acc = train_and_evaluate()
Training model LSTM
Adding layer of DecisionTreeClassifier
The Accuracy for LSTM is: 0.531780688986
Training model SimpleRNN
Adding layer of DecisionTreeClassifier
The Accuracy for SimpleRNN is: 0.531780688986
Training model GRU
Adding layer of DecisionTreeClassifier
The Accuracy for GRU is: 0.531780688986

Naive algorithm:

We'll choose the most frequent up / down of the stock.

all_data = data["up/down"].count()
most_frequent = data["up/down"].describe().top
frequency = data["up/down"].describe().freq
acc = float(frequency) / all_data

print 'The most frequent is: %s' % (most_frequent) 
print 'The accuracy of naive algorithm is: ', acc
The most frequent is: False
The accuracy of naive algorithm is:  0.512988430474

Summary & Evaluation analysis:

Evaluation process:

Our evaluation used two different configurations:

  1. Raw Deep-Learning algorithm.
  2. Deep-Learning algorithm With added layer of DecisionTreeClassifier.

In both cases we used the predictions of the algorithm to create a sequence to tell us whether the stock is going to get up or down. Then we checked it with the actual data and calculated accuracy.


The accuracy as stated above is better then a naive algorithm, Not by far, But still better which means that if we follow the algorithm we are actually expected to make profit.

What next?

As expected it seems like the raw stock data isn't get a high estimation of the stock behavior. We could try mixing it with information from financial articles and news, try to take into account related stocks like the sector, S&P500 and new features, even checking for a country specific economics laws.