
:shield: An open-source Windows autoruns viewer, as a course project (SJTU-IS405).

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



OpenAutoruns is an open-source autoruns viewer for Windows built upon Microsoft WPF Framework. The window style is powered by MahApps.Metro. The basic feature is referred to Sysinternals Autoruns. With this tool, you can easily view all kinds of autorun entries on your Windows system, including:

  • Logon: Startup Directories and Registries based Autoruns
  • Services: Services based Autoruns
  • Drivers: Drivers based Autoruns
  • Scheduled Tasks: Scheduled Tasks based Autoruns
  • Internet Explorer: Browser Helper Objects (BHOs) of Internet Explorer based Autoruns
  • Boot Execute: Boot Execute based Autoruns
  • Image Hijacks: Image Hijacks based Autoruns
  • Known DLLs: Known DLLs based Autoruns
  • Winsock Providers: Winsock Service Provider based Autoruns
  • Winlogon: Windows User Logon based Autoruns


Just download this repo and open OpenAutoruns.sln with your Visual Studio 2019.

Welcome to contribute!

  1. Run Visual Studio as Administrator.

  2. About my Development Environment:

    • Windows 10
    • Visual Studio 2019
    • .NET Framework 4.8
    • .NET Core 3.1
    • Visual C# WPF App

    So if you have different version of Visual Studio, you may need to create a WPF App from scratch and add all source files.

  3. Install MahApps.Metro with NuGet Package Manager Console:

    PM> Install-Package MahApps.Metro
  4. Add the reference to ./OpenAutoruns/Utilities/Interop.TaskScheduler.dll to use the namespace TaskScheduler.

  5. Also, I've tested on Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2017, Here is the source code. There exists a little change due to C# compilation version, such as method StartsWith and Contains.


GNU General Public License v3.0