A port of gruvbox community theme to lua with treesitter support!
Please note that this plugin is under active development right now, so the status for it is still alpha. Please file issues if you find any bugs.
Neovim 0.5.0+
Using vim-plug
Plug 'rktjmp/lush.nvim'
Plug 'ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim'
Using packer
use {"ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim", requires = {"rktjmp/lush.nvim"}}
Inside init.vim
set background=dark " or light if you want light mode
colorscheme gruvbox
Inside init.lua
vim.o.background = "dark" -- or "light" for light mode
vim.cmd([[colorscheme gruvbox]])
all g:gruvbox_
configs are the same as the original one except for g:gruvbox_guisp_fallback
More to be added..