
It is a fast, simple yet fully featured and very efficient official website framework for Gulp + Html + Jquery + Sass. | 官方网站开发框架 | 🚀🚀 Demo: https://zhlu32.github.io/index.html

Primary LanguageSCSS

Official Website Framework 中文文档

It is a fast, simple yet fully featured and very efficient official website framework for Gulp + Html + Jquery + Sass.

🚀🚀Official Website Demo Link

Official Website Framework Characteristic

  • Suitable for all major browsers and support mobile browsing.

  • Using gulp script, separation of development and build. Such as Sass automatically converted to a CSS file.

  • Using browser-sync, to achieve hot deployment after code modification in development.

  • Using gulp-file-include, import a common Layout in html, avoid code duplication. Such as Nav, Footer Layout.

  • Using gulp-uglify, to compress JS files; Using gulp-cssnano, compression CSS file. Reduce file size and speed up network request

  • Using gulp-rev, to achieve automatically add the hash value of the file at the end of the file name to solve the browser cache problem. Such as CSS, JS, Img, Json and so on.

  • Using $.getjson to access Json file, to achieve the acquisition of site dynamic data, without back-end development.

Official Website Framework Design

Convention over configuration

  • js file: src/js/

  • css files: src/css/ (css file extensions can use scss or css)

  • img image: src/img/

  • Common components: src/components/

  • Dynamic site data: src/moke/**/*.json

  • Temp dir: .tmp/

  • Publish dir: .dist/

Page design

  1. Set the page horizontally at 1200px as the edit area. Advantages: Automatically adapt to the mobile browser.

    Sample page layout:

    <div class="g-section">
         <div class="g-section-content">
  2. The 'head', 'nav', 'footer' in different pages belong to repeated code, which is realized by the '@@include' technology.

    The 404 page code, So Simple 💎 :

    <!DOCTYPE html>
       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/404.css">
       <div class="g-section" style="background-color: #F4F6FD; padding-bottom: 120px; padding-top: 195px; text-align: center;">
          <img src="img/common/404.png" style="width: 413px;">
          <p style="color:#333333; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 10px;">很抱歉,您访问的页面不存在</p>
          <div class="g-section-content" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding-top: 36px;">
                <a href="index.html" class="back-index">返回首页</a>

Quick Start

  1. Globally install Node Download Node installation package.

  2. Globally install gulp-cli.

    npm -g install gulp-cli
  3. Run npm install in the Official-Website-Framework root directory to download the three-party libraries that the project depends on.

  4. Run npm run dev to automatically open the browser and access the template site.

Publishing Site

  1. Execute npm run publish to publish all site files which generated in the .dist directory.

  2. Install apache on the web server. Such as, run apt install apache on Linux.

  3. Access 'ip:80' in the browser. If the default apache page is displayed, so the apache installation is successful.

  4. Apache is automatically installed by command, the configuration file is in the /etc/nginx directory, sites-available/default is the configuration file of the default apache page published, pointing to the web service directory /var/www/html. After adding the 404 page configuration to the default configuration file, execute nginx -s reload.

    server {
         listen 80 default_server;
         listen [::]:80 default_server;
         # add 404 pape config
         error_page 404 /404.html;
  5. Run sh deploy.sh to upload the contents of the .dist directory to the '/var/www/html' directory of the web server.

  6. Access 'ip:80' and publish it successfully.

Web Development Useful Links

Css Animation: Cross-browser Animations Lib

Caniuse: provides up-to-date browser support for web technologies

Css Normalize: A modern alternative to CSS resets